HRTechChina: See What Was Happened in Human Resource Technology Last Week
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2015年5月14日下午,由HRTechChina主办,的2015年人力资源数据化思维与实务论坛在深圳圆满结束。此次HRTechChina 特别邀请人力资源行业中优秀的企业和嘉宾来就“人力资源小数据”的发现,挖掘再到整理分析为大家分享,同时也邀请跨行业的数据专家加入其中,为参会者提供独到的观点和见解。
Data oriented Thoughts Of Human Resource Forum That Held by HRTechchina Has Come To A Successful End
This forum, which was held by HRTechChina, has ended successfully at Shenzhen in 14th May,2015. Guests from outstanding human resource industry company , as well as specialist from cross industry , were invited by giving a speech to share their sparkling original views. Let’s take a look.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7181
In 15th May, 2015,Tencent hold a industry forum that focused on HR SDC(HR Shared Delivery Center).As media partner of the forum, hrtechchina brings you a detailed report of this forum.
The forum explained to us why tencent wants to update its SSC to SDC in internet era, and how to build its SDC based on Producibility and platform ways.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7199
51job released first quarter financial announcement.
The report said that the total revenue was 458.1m(about $73.9m),which rose about 4.8% than a year earlier. The net profit was 173.3m(about $28m),which rose about 46% compared to last year.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7135
LinkedIn设立了Economic Graph Challenge来寻找能够通过这些海量数据来勾勒出经济大趋势的团队。 这批团队大多由大学教授和在读博士组成;LinkedIn除了提供数据外,还会给每个团队提供2.5万美金的支持。这些团队的研究初衷包括:包括通过数据和算法来了解一些公司的“健康程度”,自我包装意识对求职的影响等。
CEO Jeff Weiner表示,“经济图谱能帮我们勾勒出全球300亿人的就业状况,以及获得每份职业所需要的技能。”
LinkedIn's Vision Of Launching The Economic Graph Challenge
LinkedIn launching the LinkedIn Economic Graph Challenge groups to generate insights that may ultimately lead to new economic opportunities by using Economic Graph data.
The group menbers are professors and PhD Candidates. Linkedin will provide data and $25,000 (USD) research award for the research groups.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7144
Wonderful view
[Feature] Trends On Recruitment Third Party(recruitment website or application) --May
The passage analysis the new trends on recruitment third party,such as 58.com/chinahr(which was being acquired by 58.com),lagou.com,BEEHIRES and some other websites or applications of this kind.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7256
Jiexian Zhang (founder of chinahr): this acquisition is a mixed blessing
Chinahr was founded in 1997 by Jiexian Zhang,who quit from management to be a shareholer.As for this acquisition,he appears to be quite calm but Mingled hope and fear.“several times of flipping delivered the message of capital change , not the founder,nor its ten-year+ workers”。
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7141
For Product
网址: http://www.jianzhiku.com
创立时间: 2013年12月
简介: 兼职库是一个手机上的O2O兼职岗位对接平台,重点针对短期劳务和众包任务提供对接管理服务,为企业和个人提供一个靠谱、互动、高效的服务平台,让任何人在任何时间、任何地点都能找到适合自己的兼职工作。
Jianzhiku (a part-time info hub)
Jianzhiku is a platform that Connecting the short term work and outsourcing task management which allows people to find suitable part-time job wherever they want.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7125
网址: http://www.hatsafe.com
创立时间: 2014年1月
简介: 红帽法律卫士是一款法律O2O产品,通过免费的基础法律服务吸引用户,以此作为切入点打开市场。
Hatsafe : a platform that provide free service from law adviser for small- and- micro enterprises and individuals.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7116
简介:eversheet 是一个面向业务的、开放的业务系统开发与应用平台,对于企业客户的信息系统在管理模式、业务流程、表单界面等个性需求,可以通过eversheet配置工具,快速的进行个性化配置。企业IT部门可以基于该平台自行构建个性化的行业应用、集成应用和复杂的业务报表。
Eversheet : . Enterprise Application Platform for CRM+ use which focus on small-and –medium sized enterprises.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7158
HRTechChina: See What Was Happened in Human Resource Technology Last Week
For Fund-Raising:
企业OA系统商 今目标B轮融资 6000万美金
根据今目标创始人文荣提供的数据,今目标在已正式获得老虎环球基金的 6000 万美元 B 轮融资。这笔资金着重会被投入在上述的两个收费业务上,以及他们从国内主流互联网公司吸纳的设计人才主导的产品设计、交互革新。
Jingoal(An OA System Snterprise ) Raised US$60M Series B Fund
Jingoal’s founder Wen Rong released that it has raised 60m series B fund from TigerFund, which will be used in its two charging items. The money will also be used in product design and renovation that were launched by designers attracted from main Web companies.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7099
国内应用性能管理企业OneAPM宣布获得成为资本领投,经纬创投、启明创投跟投的1.65亿元人民币C轮融资,同时发布浏览器端性能管理产品Bi(Browser Insight)。
OneAPM,An Application Performance Management Company, received 165 million Series C Fund
OneAPM ( an application performance management company ) announced its 165 million series C fund,which is led by Chengwei Ventures,with participation from Matrix Partners and Qiming Venture Partners. At the same time it also published its management product BI(Browser Insight).
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7064
Hope Information Systems Co., Ltd. Has Just Finished Its 14M SERIES A
Hope Information Systems announced that it has just raised 14m series a at a wholly 100m valuation. Information shows that this is the first investment China International Fund Management (CIFM) made in the new third board (an over-the-counter market for growth enterprises).
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6986
Tracxn是一个针对私人市场投资人推出的研究平台,该企业获得了350万美元融资,投资方为私募股权投资机构SAIF Partners。
Tracxn, the Gartner for startup info, nabs US$3.5M from SAIF
Private Equity investor SAIF Partners has invested US$3.5 million in Tracxn, a research platform for private market investors.
The funds will be used to build a team of analysts tracking startups globally. At present, the platform has a team of 30 analysts and the firm looks to increase this number to 150 by the end of this year.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6979
专注大学生求职的垂直招聘网站 Campus Job 获 A轮780万美元
Campus Job是Y Combinator 2015年冬Demo Day的项目之一,并于几天前获得了A轮780万美元的融资,在去年9月Campus Job获得过96.8万美元的种子资金,截至目前公司共获得3轮总计900万美元融资。
在众多招聘网站中,Campus Job瞄准的是“大学生求职”这个细分领域(国内类似的产品,还有探鹿、兼职猫、微兼职等,同样以大学生兼职做切入点)
Campus Job, Connecting College Students With Employers, Raises $7.8 Million In Series A
Nearly eight months after launching a platform to connect college students with local job opportunities, Campus Job has raised a $7.8 million Series A round of funding led by General Catalyst Partners, with participation from Index Ventures, Box Group, SV Angel, Slow Ventures, Lerer Hippeau Ventures and others.
Campus Job has raised a total of $9million to date.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7021
柏林公司 Jobspotting 从维港投资(Horizon Ventures)获得不公开的种子轮融资。Jobspotting 是一家做网站和 iOS 应用程序的公司,公司的主旨是根据第三方招聘网站和用户社会关系打造量身定做的搜索算法。
Berlin’s Jobspotting Gets Some Seed Love From Horizon Ventures
Berlin based Jobspotting, a site and iOS app which aims to put a tailored search interface algorithm over third party recruitment sites and your social connections, has raised an undisclosed round of seed funding from Horizon Ventures.
The Hong Kong based VC was founded by Li Kashing who is often listed as Asia’s richest man. Normally Horizons does bigger rounds, such as the $160 million round in Slack. Jobspotting previously raised a €500,000 seed round from Axel Springer Plug And Play and angel investors.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6989
Zenefits 宣布获5亿美元C轮融资,由 Fidelity Management 和私募公司 TPG 联合领投。这家两岁的初创公司估值45亿美元,超出之前20-30亿美元的估值区间。
Zenefits 为中小企业提供免费的一站式云 HR 管理工具,简单地说,就是让 HR 杂活更简单便捷,包括员工的入职和离职手续办理,工资和福利发放,保险和退休基金办理,缴税缴费,专利追踪等等。
Zenefits Just Raised $500 Million At A $4.5 Billion Valuation
Zenefits today said it has raised $500 million in a round led by Fidelity and TPG at a whopping $4.5 billion valuation.
The numbers fit in with what we earlier reported, but the notable thing here is that over the course of Zenefits’ most-recent financing process, the valuation has grown by billions. Earlier, we had heard the valuation could be around $3 billion, and that it could go as high as $4 billion. That number apparently went up once again — a sign that interested investors are bidding it up in order to get into one of the most sought-after startups.
The company, which allows small- and medium-sized businesses to manage human resources services in a much simpler fashion, is one of the fastest-growing SaaS businesses ever.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7068
News Center
【HRTechChina News Feature】A Summery of Investment And Financing In Human Resource Industry --April
HRTechChina organized a list of investment and financing news in human resource technology industry for you. Of those total 18 listing companies, 10 inboards and 8 outboards, which involve areas like recruiting, sales and marketing, online learning, cloud computing and big data, office automation and law.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7015
58同城宣布并购中华英才网 建全招聘链条
58.COM Announces The Acquisition of ChinaHR To Perfect Its Recruiting Chain
58.com announced the acquisition of ChinaHR with undisclosed deal. After the acquisition, ChinaHR will still run independently with its own unit of brand and team .
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7096
彭博社: Salesforce可能会被微软收购
Microsoft is reportedly evaluating possible bid for Salesforce.com Inc
Microsoft Corp. is evaluating a bid for Salesforce.com Inc., after the cloud software provider was approached by another would-be buyer, people with knowledge of the matter said.
Salesforce experienced a sharp rising in its stock share, with is market value rises from $47 billion to $49 billion. If the possible bid turn into a fact, this will be the biggest acquisition of software company ever.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7042
For Product
拉勾网正式进军金融领域招聘 或开发独立产品
Lagou.com Opens A New Recruiting Area In Financing
Lagou.com (an employment related search engine for job listings,or vertical search website ) declared that it will start a first vertical search platform in financial recruitment in 7th, may,2015. Same day that Lagou already had the Job Classification in finance recruitment online. According to lagou’s CEO Delong Ma, Lagou would not rule out making financial recruitment into a unit product.
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7086
Elance-oDesk Rebrands As Upwork, Debuts Slack-Like Chat Platform
A new chapter starts today for ElanceoDesk, a platform where 4 million businesses connect with 10 million knowledge worker freelancers to fill contract jobs. More than a year after the two competitors merged to form one freelancer powerhouse(at the end of 2013), and five months after raising $30 million(in November 2014), it is finally rebranding under a new name, Upwork.
And with the new name comes a new platform, which adds a new mobile app, new search algorithms, faster processing and a real-time chat service — a completely free product that Upwork’s new CEO Stephane Kasriel describes as a “Slack killer.”
TO VIEW DETAILED REPORT, PLEASE VISIT : http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/7058
作为一个在全球拥有超过30亿用户的职业社交网站,LinkedIn拥有数以亿计的求职,教育,跳槽等信息。因此,LinkedIn设立了Economic Graph Challenge来寻找能够通过这些海量数据来勾勒出经济大趋势的团队。目前,几十个团队从上百个竞争团队中脱颖而出,获得了LinkedIn的数据使用权。
LinkedIn的高层对于经济图谱极为重视,CEO Jeff Weiner表示,“经济图谱能帮我们勾勒出全球300亿人的就业状况,以及获得每份职业所需要的技能。” 工程VP Igor Perisic也表示,LinkedIn准备长期设立Economic Graph Challenge,将其数据开放给更多团队。
来源:36氪 作者:甘源
HRTechChina: See What Was Happened in Human Resource Technology Last Week (4.27-5.03)HRTechChina: See What Was Happened in Human Resource Technology Last Week
For Fund-Raising:
Beisen Raised ¥110M Series C Round Funding Led by Matrix Partner China andQingyouqianhe
Matrix Partner China and Qingyouqianhe Leads ¥110M Series C in Beisen.
Beisen announced a RMB110 million series C funding round in 28th ,April. Matrix Partner China and Qingyouqianhe(an investment company) led this round , Sequoia Capital China also participated. According to Beisen’s CEO Weiguo Ji, after this round, Beisen will have an valuation near ¥1billion.
For more information, please click :http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6906
Chatwork raised $2.5 million funding
ChatWork, an enterprise social network, today announced that it has raised JPY 300 million (US$2.5 million) from GMO Venture Partners (GMO VP). It marks the first investment in the startup, which is based in Japan and California.
Click http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6901 to see more information .
Israeli startup Infinidat raises $150M
Israeli startup storage solution company Infinidat has raised $150 million in a round led by private VC firm TPG Growth and with participation from Israeli angel investor Zohar Gilon.
This recent round brings the four-year-old company’s total funding raised to $230 million. The company is now valued at $1.2 billion post investment. Most of the company’s previous funding came largely from its founder, Moshe Yanai.
For more information, please clickhttp://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6940
Wanna see more fund-raising news? Click http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6940 to get more information.
News Center
LinkedIn (LNKD) Stock plunged 25% in After-hour Trading
LinkedIn Corp.’s shares plunged as much as 25 percent after the company delivered quarterly revenue that missed analysts’ estimates .
For more information, please click http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6969
Oracle CEO :Salesforce Do Not Make A Profit
As it’s the usual case, Oracle and Salesforce (competitors in business) criticize each other again last week in a club meeting. Mark Hurd said that salesforce has a high income ratio just because it does not earn a profit.
For more information, please click http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6882
Korea Launched An Investigation Against Oracle for Its Bundling Sales in Software.
Korea’s Antitrust Regulatory Department announced its investigation on oracle to see if it blocks a fair competition by its software bundling sales with maintenance service.
For more information, please click http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6919
For Product
Cash360:Using Mi Pattern to Help Small And Micro Corporations Dealing With TheirFinance.
Click to get detailed report http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6895 to get detailed report
@Team:An Online Collaboration Platform That Helps With Better Task Management And Real-Time Communication.
Click to get detailed report http://www.hrtechchina.com/archives/6879 to get detailed report
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