• 投融资
    新加坡物流机器人企业GreyOrange Robotics获3000万美元B轮融资 导语:两款产品分别为自动化仓储取货系统Bulter与传输带设备Sorter。 GreyOrange Robotics是一家来自新加坡的智能科技开发商,该公司生产的机器人专注于为电子商务企业、制造商企业和物流企业提供仓库自动化服务。 在国际发展方面,GreyOrange除了位于新加坡的总部之外,他们在印度和香港还设有办事机构。他们目前正在努力进军日本和中国市场。 最近他们在印度市场上将会有一些重大的动作。他们在印度古尔冈的研究和开发团队将会搬到一个新的办公地点,这个地方可以容纳1200名员工,里面配备了3D打印机以及原型中心等设施。 截止到目前为止,这家公司共有2种产品。第一个产品为Bulter,这是一个自动化仓储取货系统。另一个产品为Sorter,这是一个高科技传送带设备,该公司表示这个产品每小时最多可以处理6000个包裹。 该公司声称,凭借这两个产品,他们已经占据了印度90%的市场份额,目前他们已经获得了40个客户,其中不乏一些著名企业,例如Flipkart、印度亚马逊和Kerry Logistics等。 在谈到GreyOrange的物流产品的时候,Tiger Global Management的合伙人Lee Fixel在一份声明中表示:“GreyOrange的团队正在凭借他们的高科技自动化解决方案改变整个物流行业,现在他们已经做好了准备,要将自己的产品带到国际市场上。” 2014年4月GreyOrange完成了A轮融资,投资方为Tiger Global和Blume Ventures,但是该公司并非透露A轮融资的具体金额。 GreyOrange成立于2011年2月,创始人为Akash Gupta、Wofgang Höltgen以及Kohli。目前该公司共有员工超过300人,其中200人位工程团队人员。   该公司今日宣布,他们获得了3000万美元的B轮融资,领投方为美国投资机构Tiger Global Management。
  • 投融资
    医伯来招聘网获数百万元人民币天使投资 中金汇财领投 日前,中国最大的医药领域垂直招聘网站“医伯来招聘网”宣布获得数百万元人民币天使轮投资,由中金汇财领投。 中金汇财是专注早期互联网项目的人民币基金,曾先后投资了壹平台、车车等知名创业公司。据了,中金汇财看重的是医伯来切入了潜力巨大的医药和大健康领域,抓住了行业人才的入口。   在尘封已久的医药行业垂直招领域终于杀出了一匹黑马。这也是互联网时代下的必然产物。此前,已经有拉勾等行业垂直招聘网站获得了成功。然而面对这一特殊行业以及2000多万的行业从业者,医伯来是如何一步步走到今天的?   2014年10月28日医伯来招聘网正式上线。已经更替了三个版本。8个月的时间已有超过2500家企业与其合作,在线11000多个行业职位,近11万的简历投递量。并且其微信公众号【医药人才互推】的真实订户数也突破了200000大关,是医药行业最大的微信招聘自媒体。     【大数据+标签化的精准招聘】 在医伯来招聘网,通过大数据标签匹配技术,将医药行业按照产业链细分为200多种职位。然后通过30多万个标签将招聘方、求职者进行精准匹配,实现求职者和企业的精准链接。   因为细分程度很高,所以对于双方匹配的精准度是能够大幅提高,不用再大海捞针。医伯来创始人兼CEO黄冠宇介绍说,“基于我们对医药领域招聘需求的深入理解,加上大数据的精准匹配技术,构成医伯来招聘的核心。这也体现了垂直招聘领域内,职位更加规范与细化的特征。”     【强势入口+线下活动的O2O闭环】 医伯来招聘网与其微信公众号进行对接,求职者可以通过手机端直接投递完整简历,即满足了企业方的需求,也极大程度方便了求职者。并且医伯来每月都会举办线上的专题招聘沙龙,通过自媒体传播吸引求职者、提升企业雇主品牌,以积极活跃的姿态通过活动打造知名度,吸引更多粉丝。   黄冠宇称,“相比其他招聘平台,医伯来的招聘信息能被更多求职者和用户知晓,企业有更大动力入驻我们的平台”。     【融资将重度垂直做深】 随着招聘服务规模越来越来大,医伯来深层的价值也被越来越多的企业关注并发掘出来。   在招聘方面,医伯来已经实现与企业的分层合作,对于大型企业走标准化的高附加值招聘模式,如品牌推广、校招、专业定制等,而对于小型企业则以发布信息匹配人才为主。同时,医伯来目前已能够通过为企业提供增值服务实现盈利。未来医伯来将以招聘为入口,构建整个医药行业的人才资源体系,并利用其精准的职业标签对人才进行整合分类。   后期将逐步涉及行业培训、药品招商分销等多个领域。产品只是入口,人才资源才是商业模式。获得投资后,医伯来将通过在人才定向培训、人才战略咨询、医药行业社交以及药品分销等多个领域上的布局,从平台产品的打造,进一步深入到经营沉淀用户,深入挖掘用户价值。   中金汇财创始管理合伙人张峰表示:“传统招聘模式正在被移动互联网迅速重构,而大健康是一个万亿级别的产业。我们相信,在两个大行业的交叉口,医伯来有着良好的业务基础和发展潜力。”   业内人士预计,人才服务是行业的基础设施之一,在互联网人才招聘拉勾、医药人才招聘医伯来等的榜样下,更多以移动为核心的垂直招聘网站还将涌现,而用户也将为此受益。   来源:站长之家
  • 投融资
    企业营销自动化企业Radius完成Peter Thiel领投的5000万美元D轮融资 由 Facebook 的第一个实习生 Darian Shirazi 创建的企业营销自动化企业 Radius获得由Peter Thiel 的 Founders Fund 领投的 D 轮 5000 万美元的融资。 截止到这次融资,Radius 已经获得了总共 1.25 亿美元的投资。但他们没有公开透露目前公司的估值,Radius 的一位发言人表示,该公司价值 5 亿美元。   Radius 围绕大数据分析技术为客户展开 B2B 营销自动化服务。Radius 的“智慧云(Intelligence Cloud)” 可以对客户的众多渠道(社交媒体、合作伙伴数据、销售系统数据、政府公开数据等)的数据进行分析。再利用不同的模型为客户制定营销策略。据称Radius跟踪的企业数达到了 3000 万,可实时收集500亿个数据点,通过公开数据和专有数据的结合为企业生成其最终客户会不会最终购买产品的“信心指数”。   Radius 计划将本轮融资继续用于其“智慧云(Intelligence Cloud)”的开发。而长远的目标就是上市,投资机构也用实际行动表明了对它的信心。Radius 去年 10 月刚刚完成了 C 轮 5470 万美元的融资。上一轮的老朋友 AME Cloud Ventures,BlueRun Ventures Formation 8,Glynn Capital Management,Salesforce Ventures,Yuan Capital 等多家机构都参加了 Radius 本轮的融资。   B2B 的营销工具 Radius 活得不错,B2C 的企业营销自动化工具也开始风生水起,前沃尔玛、高朋高管出来做的 B2C 的企业营销自动化工具 BlueShift 也开始受到关注。   过去的企业营销自动化工具主要围绕 B2B 业务展开。做 B2C 的难点在于,B2C 的商品种类比 B2B 领域多得多,B2C 要做营销自动化,要求服务商提供更多个性化的服务。 BlueShift 和 Radius 一样围绕大数据为客户提供营销服务,他们目前定位在电商客户群。动态分割和动态内容相结合,使得用户的身份数据和操作内容可以更加准确的匹配,以满足商家个性化营销的需求。他们通过利用用户的实时操作数据来建立用户档案,而传统的做法是根据历史操作数据建档。   BlueShift 目前获得了 Nexus Venture Partners 领投的 260 万美元的种子轮融资。   Marketing intelligence firm Radius raises another $50 million Radius, the marketing intelligence software startup founded by Facebook vet Darian Shirazi, has raised another $50 million led by Peter Thiel's Founders Fund.   With the latest investment round, the six-year-old San Francisco-based company will have raised $125 million to date, following a $54.7 Series C round that closed last September.   Radius is not disclosing its exact valuation, but a company spokesperson says it's north of $500 million. The company has doubled its valuation with every round raised.   Radius investors include Formation 8, Glynn Capital Management, Jerry Yang's AME Cloud Ventures, Salesforce Ventures, BlueRun Ventures and Yuan Capital. That's in addition to former Morgan Stanley chairman John Mack and actor/entrepreneur Jared Leto, who participated in Radius's previous investment rounds.   Radius pegs itself as data science company for B2B marketers. Its platform revolves around a predictive marketing software suite and its proprietary data science engine, the Radius Intelligence Cloud, which tracks more than 50 billion data points on 30 million businesses.   The platform connects to a company's CRM platform, and then uses public, government and other partner sources of data to analyze and refine a client's marketing strategy, helping them generate lead lists of their ideal prospects, increase sales or scale to a national campaign. Beyond prospect data, Radius also provides social media activity from the likes of Facebook, Yelp, Twitter, Google and Foursquare, all in one centrally configured place.   Radius clients include office supply chain Staples and POS maker Revel Systems. Its most prominent competitors include Infer, Lattice Engines and Six Sense Media.   Radius plans to use the new capital for continued development of its Intelligence Cloud. As for the company's long-term roadmap, a home on Wall Street is certainly in the cards.   In an interview last September, Sharazi said he ultimately sees Radius as a publicly traded company.   "We want to build a public company," Sharazi said. "You need freedom to build something incredible. We built this practice around data science and the appreciation for data science, and in order to do this right and solve the problems of such a large market, we felt like we had to stay independent."   来源:ZDNet
  • 投融资
    金融垂直招聘平台“职业梦”完成 A 轮近千万美金融资 金融领域垂直招聘平台“职业梦”宣布完成 A 轮近千万美金融资,长安私人资本领投,乐视、贝塔斯曼亚洲投资基金(BAI)、Infinity Ventures Partners(IVP) 和 3 名金融机构高管跟投。创始人朱超透露,本轮融资将主要用于 B 端市场的拓展和新产品的研发。同时“职业梦”宣布已经启动A+轮融资,领投方为金融资讯平台“华尔街见闻”。   “职业梦”早期是一个金融领域的教育平台,今年开始转型金融领域的垂直招聘平台,定位包括应届生、实习生在内的 5 年工作经验以下金融从业者。据“职业梦”提供的数据,目前“职业梦” C 端注册用户 20 万,5年以上工作经验人才也占到了 10 % 的比例。   同时,“职业梦”也针对中小金融企业客户提供基于 SaaS 的外部人才解决方案,提供简历管理系统、视频简历系统等工具。朱超认为,在金融领域,人才不如互联网市场强势。对于垂直于金融领域的求职网站来说,“服务好 B 端,网站上有职位,用户就自己过来了。”   “职业梦”目前有 100 多名员工,“40 多个技术都在给 B 端做服务,还有一个 20 人的 B 端推广团队。” 目标是在年底把平台上的公司做到 5000 家,目前平台上有 1400 家企业。“职业梦”后续将继续人才数据分析管理、标准化人才培训等业务。同时,他们希望能够接入企业内部系统,完成外部系统服务到内部SaaS系统搭建的转变。 针对个人求职者,他们正通过把招聘的数据库和培训的数据库连接起来,提供针对性的职位、培训课程推荐服务。“如果系统之前看到一个人职业路径是 A - B - C ,那当它分析到一封 A - B 的简历,就会推荐 C 给这个人,同时告诉这个人你哪几个方面要补。” 在联合创始人黄海眼中,“求职 - 培训 - 求职”的闭环是“职业梦”一定要搭的,之后“职业梦”更多的会作为一个流量入口,把其他金融领域的培训服务拉到平台上来。   下一步“职业梦”还会涉足金融职场社交,“肯定不是人跟人之间随便勾搭那种纯社交,主要会以信息为导向,例如你要找在中信工作的人,或是咨询中金的信息,就可以在‘职业梦’上完成。” 在朱超看来,金融领域从业者本身就是一群社交需求极强的人,金融职场社交是一件自然要做的事。   职场社交市场目前已经相当热闹,“赤兔”、“脉脉”、“机遇”各显神通,这些 LinkedIn 的中国门徒一直要思考的是“如何持续让职场人士在平台上找到价值?”,这或许也是“职业梦”做社交要思考的问题。     来源:36氪,作者:饭遥
  • 投融资
    华云数据宣布C轮融资1亿美元 考虑在国内上市 华云数据宣布C轮融资1亿美元 考虑在国内上市 华云数据是综合性云计算服务提供商,成立于2010年。 // // 7月28日消息,华云数据CEO许广彬今日正式公布,华云数据C轮融资顺利完成,获得海通投资领投的1亿美元融资。不过,突袭新闻无法证实具体融资金额。 此次发布会,华云数据云生态投资基金正式启动,金额为10亿人民币。这10亿元的资金将重点对云计算、大数据领域的企业级服务企业进行财务投资。 // // 在发布会上,为整合云生态产业资源,发挥华云数据的产业优势,华云数据还与福州大学、方正信息产业集团、陕西电信三家合作伙伴签约,布局云生态。 未来,华云数据与福州大学将在云计算与大数据等学术前沿领域展开深入的战略合作,包括共同申报与承担省部级国家攻关课题、成立云计算及大数据联合实验室,在云计算创新教学、专业人才培训基地、高层次人才共享与创新研究培养等领域广泛开展深入合作。 华云数据旗下润迅数据将与北大方正信息产业集团在数据中心业务、云计算和CDN、智慧城市等领域展开合作。 华云数据CSO郁珉会后表示,接下来华云数据将重点着力于提升各类云服务的质量及规模,同时积极关注国内外市场情况,届时时机成熟,将会考虑在国内上市。 华云数据是综合性云计算服务提供商,成立于2010年,为用户提供IAAS、PAAS、CDN、云邮局等多类型服务,还提供私有云、电子商务云、金融云、游戏云、IDC转云等解决方案。     来源:突袭新闻
  • 投融资
    【印度】TracxnLabs为雇佣平台ZenRadius注入启动资金 导语:总部设在印度班加罗尔的网络招聘平台ZenRadius帮助企业,特别是初创企业,通过职业社交网络网罗到合适的应聘者。 由Flipkart联合创始人及Anzy Careers的Deepak Singh 所共同支持的创业孵化器TraxcnLabs近日为招聘平台ZenRadius注入了一笔数额不详的启动资金。   这家由Nitesh Mishra,Arpit Kumar 及Alok Yadav所创办的班加罗尔网络招聘平台帮助企业,特别是初创企业,通过职业社交网络网罗到合适的应聘者。   世界间的联系已经变得越来越千丝万缕,在不久的将来,利用这些丰富的人际网络来网罗适宜的应聘者正在成为招聘的重要方式。   ·ZenRadius如何工作? 用户可通过电子邮箱地址登录ZenRadius平台,然后输入职位或求职的关键词。该平台会自动从用户自己的联系人列表中进行匹配并推送相关信息。   为了与被推荐者取得联系,用户需要编写一封标准邮件来对职位要求进行详细描述,仅需单击一下,该平台就能向所有潜在应聘者发送个性化邮件。   此后,平台的数据分析系统将会显示有哪些人已经阅读了该邮件,并对这些推荐候选人对于职位的兴趣度进行评估。   当一家企业或是招聘公司使用该平台进行招聘时,尽管应聘者能够与诸多联系人取得联系,但是其简历只会被自动发送至职位发布者(而非推荐人)的手中,这样做是为了表达对职位发布者的尊重,因为他们拥有挑选适宜求职者的职业裁量权。   职位发布者能够看到某位求职者的所有推荐人有哪些,因此,雇主就可以利用这些不同的信息渠道来对求职者的背景进行交叉比对,以确保求职人信息的真实性。   “以前,亲朋好友或是工作伙伴经常问我们能否为他们公司的空缺职位推荐合适的应聘者,这给了我们灵感。通过某个人的人际圈所完成的雇佣过程,虽然非常有效,但是也很麻烦,实际上,没人会为了找到更好的求职者而对自己圈子里已经存在的资源进行广泛利用,”Mishra说。   “作为职业人的我们,通常会对自己圈子中其他专业人士的才能非常熟悉,并且能够很好的为某个具体职位推荐合适人选,这是一个基本事实,”他补充道。   在打造ZenRadius平台之前,该公司的核心团队所创办的第一家初创企业名为Smokelift Technologies,主要为Olacabs、Practo、Acceltrade及StudyPad等公司提供包括大数据基础设施服务在内的可扩展分析服务。   Tracxn的创始人Abhishek Goyal表示,“多年来,我们见证了通过共同朋友所完成的雇佣具有更高的成功率,特别是当我们有职位空缺的时候(而不是求职),但是通过人脉寻找求职者的过程非常累人。我们认为科技可以大大简化这一过程。”   目前,TracxnLabs已经完成了对两家初创企业所进行的投资,分别是美容服务移动市场StayGlad和按需物流企业Parcelled。   Hiring platform ZenRadius raises seed funding from TracxnLabs Hiring platform ZenRadius has received an undisclosed amount of seed funding fromTraxcnLabs, an incubator backed by Flipkart Co-founders and Deepak Singh of Anzy Careers.   Founded by Nitesh Mishra, Arpit Kumar and Alok Yadav, this Bangalore-based network hiring platform enables firms, especially startups, to hire the right candidates through professional networking.   The world is getting more socially and professional connected and making use of these already enriched networks to obtain the right candidates is going to become the key method of hiring in the near future.   How does the platform work? A user can log in to the ZenRadius platform with an email address and enter keywords of the professional vacancy or requirement. The platform automatically pulls out appropriate references from the user’s own contact list and suggests new ones.   To contact the referred professionals, the user types a standard mail detailing about the job requirement. The platform then sends personalised emails to all the potential candidates in a click.   Further, the platform analytics shows data on who has opened the emails and provides a way to assess the interest of referred candidates in the available jobs.   If a company/recruitment firm uses the platform, despite employees referring job vacancies to multiple contacts, CVs are automatically routed to only the Job Creator (and not the referrers) honouring the fact that only the Job Creator must have the professional discretion to choose the right candidate.   The Job Creator is able to see all the people who might have referred the same candidate. Hence, backgrounds could be cross­checked from multiple sources to ensure the authenticity of candidates.   “We were often asked by both our personal and professional contacts if we could recommend potential candidates for job opportunities in their companies? This got us thinking. The entire process of hiring through one’s network, though very effective, is very cumbersome and no one is actually using the data which is already present within their networks to get better candidates,” said Mishra.   “It is a basic fact that as professionals we are usually familiar with the skill sets and talents of other professionals within our circles and are in a better position to suggest the names of ‘like­minded’ professionals who would be most suited to specific job positions,” he added.   Prior to developing the ZenRadius platform, the core team founded its first startup ­ Smokelift Technologies ­ and developed scalable analytics involving Big Data infrastructure services for Olacabs, Practo, Acceltrade and StudyPad.   Abhishek Goyal, Founder of Tracxn said,­ “Over the years, we have seen that people we hired through common friends had much higher degree of success ­ more specifically when we asked for people (and not inbound), but the process of finding people through network was very tiring. We thought technology could simplify this process significantly.”   TracxnLabs has already invested in two startups StayGlad, a mobile marketplace for beauty services, and Parcelled, an on-­demand logistics startup.   via e27
  • 投融资
    又一个五分钟融资的故事:“爱员工”5分钟融资千万元 编者注:如出一辙的故事:美国的Zenefits ,当然这个故事很有想象力~     ————————   近日,一站式中小企人力资源服务平台爱员工获得千万元投资,投资者为上市公司奥飞动漫董事长蔡东青。据悉,爱员工创始人赵杨晛(广州人本-华南知名 猎头公司老板 )只用了5分钟便当场打动蔡总,拿到千万投资。短短5分钟里,他到底对投资人说了什么?是怎么瞬间吸引了投资人? 据说,赵杨晛先生只问了蔡总三个问题,便拿到了这笔投资。 赵杨晛问的第一个问题是:“蔡总,你现在身价几百亿,公司成功在A股上市,您还记得您当年是怎样白手起家创业的吗?”“当然不会忘记,”蔡东青回答到,“创业的800块钱是母亲借来的,但急着扩大生产,产品不对路,把钱全赔光了。好在那个时候没放弃,最后成功生产出高质量的大喇叭,卖了几十万支,积累出人生的第一桶金。” 紧接着,赵杨晛又问他第二个问题,“企业慢慢壮大,员工也越来越多,在这个过程中,公司管理上您最经常遇到的问题是什么?”回想起当年创业的酸甜苦辣,蔡东青一言难尽,“当年我做奥迪塑胶玩具公司,广东玩具厂恶性竞争很严重,工人加班加点是家常便饭,人员的流动性特别大。我为生存必须拼命抢业务,根本没有时间关注内部管理的事,我想给和我一起打拼的员工好待遇,但心有余而力不足,哪有时间啊。” 蔡东青确实是一个真正的实干家,对中小企业发展过程中遭遇的困境深有体会。赵杨晛问了第三个问题:“如果有一个平台,可以为您代办各种人力资源的琐碎事务,例如社保,收很低的服务费甚至免费,为您提供免费的人力资源管理工具,能帮您提供低价的员工福利,还聚集优质的服务商,几乎能将您遇到的所有人力资源问题全部解决掉,你愿意用吗?”“肯定愿意!”蔡东青回答得毫不犹豫。 “OK,这就是我正在做的爱员工,移动人力资源管家,专门为中小企业提供低价甚至免费的服务,解决所有公司都会遇到的人力资源管理问题”。 ——这三个问题,使蔡东青对爱员工产生了浓厚的兴趣。 赵杨晛先生说,蔡总之所以会特别看好爱员工的模式,是因为蔡总白手起家创业,对中小企业的困难有深切体会。最终敲定千万投资,蔡总除了对爱员工模式看好之外,对爱员工团队十年的人力资源服务背景,以及爱员工未来的市场前景,都非常认可。 据悉,爱员工成立半年多的时间,已经已积累上千家注册企业用户。本轮千万元投资将主要用于补贴中小企业社保代理和员工福利,力求在最短时间内实现客户数量的快速增长。未来,爱员工还将为中小企业提供培训、考勤、招聘、激励等服务,低价甚至免费为中小企业解决人力资源问题。 随着Zenefits的飞速发展,国内从事人力资源服务的创业公司纷纷涌现,除了爱员工之外,还有金柚网、51社保、仁云科技,亲亲小宝等等。这些企业基本都在起步或发展阶段,各有特点,但这个领域目前还没有出现领头羊。竞争已经悄然拉开序幕,面对中国万亿级规模的企业应用市场,到底谁能最终进化为人力资源行业的独角兽?期待未来市场给出的答卷。
  • 投融资
    大数据服务平台Cazena获2000万美元B轮融资 Cazena,一家帮助企业处理数据的新平台,今天宣布已获2000万美元B轮融资,融资由Formation 8领投。其他的投资方包括Andreessen Horowitz和North Bridge Venture Partners,他们也参与了去年十月Cazena800万美元的A轮融资。   Cazena由部分Netezza的前任员工创办,Prat Moghe是公司的领头人。2010年Netezza被IBM收购时,他担任数据监察部门总经理,收购后,任职高级副总裁,负责产品、战略和市场营销。   在IBM干了一段时间后,Moghe觉得是时候用新的视角来解决Netezza曾遭遇的一些问题了。“在看到企业都是如何同全新的大数据堆栈(如Hadoop,一种分布式系统基础架构)挣扎较劲的情况下,我们开始思考下一个十年数据处理的前景,”他说道。“每一个企业,尤其是中大型企业,都在积极寻找着能提高进程灵敏度的云方法,但是现有平台的复杂性和安全问题是很大的障碍。”   Cazena 的目标是极大简化商业中的大数据进程处理。Moghe设想,最终的理想状态是,使用Cazena时只需点三下,就能设置好数据处理工作(当然现阶段还有一些问题需要解决)。 这项服务通过自动搜寻到,处理设定数据组的分析技术方案,从而解决掉处理的复杂性。接下来,它会替客户自动的规定、优化和管理工作流程,无论是Hadoop、Spark、MPP还是SQL9(如Amazon Redshift)类型的结构。   根据你的工作量和其他标准,如价格或是你想要获得结果的速度,Cazena会为你提供适当的基础结构,然后全程关注进度。“最终,数据即服务成为一个新的分类,我们希望能助企业一臂之力,让他们用好云计算。”   Cazena花费了约两年的时间,才公开他们的新产品。但Moghe说,公司尚在和一小部分大型企业合作,进行β测试,现在还没有达到完全开放服务的阶段。   当准备就绪的时候,Cazena会使用相对特别的定价计划。Moghe说,计划是针对服务,包括所有的云计算成本、支持和SLA开销,收取单一费用。他认为,目前针对云处理的收费系统,如gigabyte、note,对企业而言结果都太难预测。   公司的这一轮融资资金,将会用于技术开发、销售推广和合作伙伴建设。   Cazena Raises $20M Series B For Its Enterprise Big Data-As-A-Service Platform Cazena, a new platform that wants to make it easier for enterprises to process their data, today announced that it has raised a $20 million Series B round led by Formation 8. Other participants include Andreessen Horowitz and North Bridge Venture Partners, who both also participated in the company’s $8 million series A round last October.   Cazena was founded by a number of former Netezza employees and is now led by Prat Moghe, who was Netezza’s general manager for data compliance before its acquisition by IBM in 2010. He then became the senior vice president for strategy, product and marketing at Netezza under IBM’s ownership.   After a few years at IBM, Moghe decided that it was time to look at some of the problems Netezza was trying to solve from a fresh perspective. “We started thinking about the next decade of data processing and how enterprises are struggling with the new big data stacks like Hadoop,” he told us. “Every enterprise — and particular the medium to large enterprises — they were actively looking at the cloud to speed up the agility of processing. But they were being held back by the complexity and security issues [of the existing platforms].” Cazena aims to greatly simplify big data processing for businesses. Ideally, it should only take three clicks to set up a data processing job with Cazena, Moghe believes (though in reality, it’s still a bit more involved right now). The service strips away the complexities by trying to automatically figure out what technology to use to analyze a given set of data. It then automatically provisions, optimizes and manages that workflow for its customers, no matter whether it’s a Hadoop, Spark or MPP SQL (think Amazon Redshift) job. Depending on your workload and other criteria like price or how fast you need the results, Cazena will provision the right infrastructure for you and then take care of the processing. “Ultimately, data as a service is a new category and we want to help big enterprises get into the cloud,” Moghe said.   It took the Cazena about two years to get to this point where it’s openly talking about the new product. But while Moghe told me that the company is already running some beta tests with a small number of large companies, Cazena isn’t quite ready to open up its service to all yet.   Once it does launch, though, it will do so with a relatively unusual pricing plan. Moghe tells me that the plan is to charge a single fee for the service that will include all of the cloud costs, support and an SLA. He argues that current cloud processing systems that charge by gigabyte or node are too unpredictable for enterprises.   The new funding the company announced today will go toward building out the company’s technology, sales force and partnerships.   来源:tc
  • 投融资
    客户体验管理平台Medallia获1.5亿美元融资 提供客户体验管理云服务(SaaS)的Medallia刚刚获得了红杉资本的1.5亿美元融资,估值已达12.5亿美元。   Medallia是一家提供客户体验管理软件即服务(SaaS)的初创企业,成立于2001年,总部位于Palo Alto,现有员工700人。   客户关系管理(CRM)与客户体验管理(CEM)都是与客户打交道的平台,所不同的是前者主要负责前期跟踪和管理销售交互,而后者则是在售后对客户数据进行分析以提供更好的服务。   Medallia的SaaS CEM平台可以从web(网上评论)、社交媒体、移动以及联络中心收集客户反馈,对收集到的数据进行实时分析并采取行动,从而改善客户体验、提高客户忠诚度、留存率并推动收入增长。与竞争对手相比,Medallia 的Insights服务是其差异化优势,该洞察服务可以在客户遇到问题时提供实时分析。   Medallia的服务主要针对6个行业,其中包括零售、金融服务、酒店、电信、汽车以及B2B提供商。Verizon、Macy’s、Sephora、SAP、Honeywell、富国银行、索尼、Four Seasons、Sodexo及梅赛德斯等均是它的客户。   跟前几轮一样,这次的融资仍由红杉资本领投(尽管成立很早,但Medallia直到2011年才开始第一轮融资),所得融资将用于新功能开发并进行市场扩张。此轮过后,Medallia的总融资额已达2.55亿美元,下一步应该就是IPO了。   Medallia Raises $150 Million in Equity Financing to Continue Rapid Growth PALO ALTO, Calif., July 21, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Medallia®, a leading SaaS provider of Customer Experience Management (CEM) solutions, today announced that it has raised $150 million in growth equity capital in a round led by Sequoia Capital. This new investment follows a period of rapid growth, during which Medallia welcomed a number of additional large enterprise customers to its client base, substantially grew revenue, launched partnerships with several prominent professional services firms and expanded its global operating footprint. "Consumers are increasingly making purchase decisions based on customer experience data like online reviews and social media feedback rather than pre-existing brand recognition. To deliver consistently great experiences, leading companies are shifting from merely collecting customer feedback to engaging with consumers and embedding their feedback directly into operations," said Borge Hald, CEO and co-founder of Medallia. "Our recent round of funding is an important step in our journey to build customer experience into the DNA of the world's companies and change the way they operate."   Medallia first raised venture funding in late 2011, and has now raised a total of $255 million. The company plans to use this most recent investment in a two-pronged plan to further enhance its operations, with a focus on:   Developing additional new product capabilities and tools; and Expanding its operating footprint in major markets, building on a global team that has doubled in size to over 700 employees in the past 18 months.   "Medallia is helping the world's top brands increase loyalty, grow their businesses, and deliver unforgettable customer experiences," said Douglas Leone, Medallia board member and Sequoia Capital partner. "Their rocketing growth will only continue as more companies recognize that in today's age, effectively managing the customer experience is no longer a choice. It's a win-or-lose necessity."   This funding builds on a number of milestones during recent months. Medallia has: Allied with leading global system integrators and customer experience experts, including J.D. Power and Appirio, that have launched implementation and program management practices for the Medallia platform; Welcomed companies, including SAP, Mazda and DIRECTV, to its client base, joining such customer experience leaders as Four Seasons and Zurich Insurance Group; Added seasoned industry veterans to its board of directors, including LinkedIn and Palo Alto Networks board member and audit committee chair Stan Meresman, and former Netflix CMO Leslie Kilgore; and Appointed proven financial leader and former Polycom CFO Mike Kourey as CFO.   About Medallia Medallia® is the Customer Experience Management company that is trusted by hundreds of the world's leading brands. Medallia's Software-as-a-Service application enables companies to capture customer feedback everywhere the customer is (including web, social, mobile, and contact center channels), understand it in real time, and deliver insights and action everywhere—from the C-suite to the frontline—to improve their performance. Founded in 2001, Medallia has offices in Silicon Valley, New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Sydney and Buenos Aires. Learn more at www.Medallia.com.   来源:prnewswire Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130314/SF76927LOGO
  • 投融资
    澳大利亚线上顾问平台Expert360获得310万A轮融资 导语:这笔融资将会用于扩大其顾问支持团队,并且增加更多企业级服务。HRTechChina也报道过专注中小企业咨询的 “收费版知乎”的“答赏”,“答赏”是通过垂直领域的专业问答涉足在线咨询,为企业经营者提供解决问题方案的,致力打造最有价值的商业分享和人脉社区。国外方面,连接企业家和高级顾问和行业专家的Clarity也与之相类似。 澳大利亚Expert360是一家提供高端顾问服务的平台,近日该公司获得了410万澳元(约合310万美元)的A轮融资,领投方是Frontier Ventures风投公司。 这笔融资将会用于扩大其顾问支持团队,在研究、数据、以及其他知识产品方面提供服务。此外据Expert360联合创始人兼首席运营官Emily Yue透露,该融资还会用于Expert360增加更多企业级服务,一些从大企业退休的高管将会加入到Expert360的顾问人才团队,客户还能获得专属项目经理的支持。 据了解,目前全球顾问行业的市值已经达到了3500亿美元。 参与本轮投资的还有澳大利亚本土科技基金Rampersand,一批机构投资人,现有股东,和高净值投资人(比如Macquarie银行前任总经理Allan Moss AO)。本轮投资之后,Frontier Ventures风投创始人Dmitry Alimov将会加入到Expert360公司董事会。 Alimov说道,“线上顾问服务具有颠覆全球顾问行业的潜力,而Expert360则是此领域里的佼佼者。他们突破了传统的咨询顾问方法,利用科技的力量,全球互联,以及个体性专长,为客户提供优秀的解决方案。Expert360团队给我们留下了深刻印象,他们的执行力非常快,产品质量和发展轨迹也很不错。我们非常高兴能够重新回到线上顾问服务行业。我们的目标,就是帮助该公司的联合创始人和他们的团队,把这项事业推向新的。” Expert360公司成立于2013年,他们在全世界拥有超过4500名专业顾问,企业客户可以轻松地与旗下顾问联系,获得帮助。根据该公司官方信息,目前Expert360总部设在悉尼,在澳大利亚和东南亚拥有15名全职员工。 Bridget Loudon是该公司首席执行官兼联合创始人,她说道,“我们的公司愿景非常简单,就是希望利用科技的力量,帮助客户或是客户的项目得到优质的顾问服务,让他们能够随时随地的获得顾问价值。我们非常高兴,因为有一批非常棒的投资人帮助我们将Expert360推上一个新台阶。我们的领投方,Frontier Ventures风投,在全球市场有着丰富且有价值的专业经验,我们非常期待与他们合作。” Frontier Ventures是一家专门在全球新兴市场从事互联网领域投资的风投公司,他们主要关注东南亚和俄罗斯的消费互联网服务。该风投的投资组合包括亚洲餐厅预订平台Chope,俄罗斯线上视频公司ivi.ru,以及俄罗斯和独联体的线上企业服务平台profi.ru。本次对Expert360的投资,是他们第十笔线上服务平台类投资,也是他们在亚太地区的第二笔投资。     Frontier Ventures leads US$3.1M Series A round in Australia’s Expert360 Frontier Ventures has led an oversubscribed AU$4.1 million (US$3.1 million) round raised by Australian consulting marketplace Expert360.   The newly raised capital will see the company expand its support for consultants through access to research, data and other IP. The money will also be used to expand its enterprise services offerings so that executives in larger organisations can get instant access to a pool of consulting talent and support from a dedicated project manager, shared Expert360’s Co-founder and COO Emily Yue.   The global consulting industry is worth US$350 billion.   Co-investors in the round include Australian technology fund rampersand, institutional investors, existing shareholders, and high net worth individuals such as former Macquarie Bank MD Allan Moss AO.   Frontier Ventures Founder Dmitry Alimov will join the company’s Board of Directors.   Alimov said, “Expert360 is a leading marketplace for online consulting services with potential to disrupt a massive global industry. It breaks apart traditional consulting methodology by using the power of technology, global connectivity and individual expertise to provide superior client solutions. We are very impressed by the company’s team, its speed of execution, product quality and outstanding growth trajectory. We know online service marketplaces and we’re excited to back this one. Our goal is to help Bridget, Emily (Co-founders) and the Expert360 team take this business to a new level.”   Launched in 2013, Expert360 connects consultants with companies and has more than 4,500 independent consultants available from around the world. From an initial small team in Sydney, it now has 15 full-time employees across Australia and Southeast Asia, said an official release.   Bridget Loudon, CEO and Co-founder of Expert360 said, “Our vision is simple: it’s about harnessing technology to connect clients and their projects with great consultants, anywhere, anytime and in a way that delivers outstanding value for both parties. We’re extremely excited to have a great set of investors on board to help us take Expert360 to the next level. Our lead investor, Frontier Ventures, brings a wealth of global marketplace expertise that will be very valuable. We look forward to working with them.”   Frontier Ventures is a venture fund focussed on Internet investments in global emerging markets, with a main focus on consumer Internet services in Southeast Asia and Russia. Its portfolio includes Asia’s restaurant reservation platform Chope, Russia’s online video company ivi.ru and online marketplace business in Russia and CIS profi.ru. This investment marks the 10th online marketplace in Frontier Ventures’ portfolio and the fund’s second deal in the APAC region.   来自:e27