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    【HR术语】什么是租赁员工?(What are leased employees?) 什么是租赁员工? 租赁员工是指从人事代理公司领取报酬,为接收公司工作的人员。接收公司一般会聘用租赁员工来完成临时职位或特定项目。 谁是租赁员工的雇主? 雇用租赁员工并为其提供工资和福利的通常是租赁代理公司,而不是接收公司。租赁机构通常会雇用技术人才为接收公司工作,这些行业包括: 医疗保健 金融业 咨询 房地产 法律 员工租赁与共同雇佣 在雇员租赁中,人事代理公司为您的企业提供人员并管理其人力资源行政工作。共同雇佣,也称为 PEO(专业雇佣组织),意味着合作雇佣。例如,PEO 可以处理人力资源行政工作,而贵公司则负责招聘和录用。 根据共同雇佣协议,公司可以以不同的方式分担责任。然而,更令人困惑的是,由于共同雇佣是从雇员租赁演变而来的,因此在美国的一些州,雇员租赁和共同雇佣这两个词被交替使用。 何时应使用雇员租赁? 无论大公司还是小公司,在需要季节性招聘、处理特定项目或缺乏适当的招聘和管理工作资源时,都可以依靠租赁员工。 人力资源领导为什么要关注租赁员工? 员工租赁使公司能够更快地招聘和雇佣员工,从而提高生产力和效率。人才中介公司可以接触到许多合格的人才,并拥有安置这些人才的专业知识,他们可以将有技能的个人与空缺职位相匹配,同时承担人力资源行政负担。 租赁员工的好处 使用优质租赁公司可以: 缩短填补空缺的时间 简化并改进招聘和录用工作 临时提供高绩效工作 人力资源领导者如何才能将租赁员工成功纳入团队? 为您和您的员工提供顺利的员工租赁体验: 评估公司需求。进行需求评估,确定您希望租赁员工履行的职责和职位,以及您需要中介机构承担的行政工作。 遵守法律。员工租赁法律非常复杂。聘请就业律师有助于确保遵守州和联邦法律。 做好调查。为确保您与一流的租赁公司合作,请确保该公司信誉良好并持有执照。 确保员工了解相关政策。除了实施有效的入职流程外,还应在租赁员工手册中加入一个章节,解释他们和你在福利、薪资、退休、公司文化和适当的工作场所行为等方面的义务。 一视同仁。为了让租赁员工感到自己受到重视并成为团队的一员,应通过与他们建立关系、满足他们的需求并为他们提供公平的工作条件,对他们一视同仁。 为什么租赁员工应成为现代人力资源战略的一部分? 将租赁员工纳入人力资源战略有助于提高灵活性--这是当今多变的工作世界所必须的。将租赁员工无缝纳入整个组织的团队中,即使在工作场所趋势和业务需求不断变化的情况下,人力资源部门和公司也能保持生产力。 以下为文章原文: What are leased employees? Leased employees are people who receive compensation from a staffing agency to perform work for a recipient company. Recipient companies generally bring in leased employees to fulfill a temporary position or complete a specific project. Who is the employer of a leased employee? Leasing agencies, not recipient companies, typically employ leased employees and provide them with salaries and benefits. Leasing agencies often hire skilled people to work for recipient companies in industries such as Health care Finance Consultancy Real Estate Law Employee leasing vs. co-employment In employee leasing, a staffing agency provides your business with people and manages their HR admin work. Co-employment, also known as PEO (Professional Employment Organization), implies collaborative employment. For example, PEOs may handle HR admin while your company manages recruitment and hiring. Depending on the co-employment agreement, companies can split the responsibilities differently. However, to make things more confusing, because co-employment has evolved from employee leasing, in some US states, the terms employee leasing and co-employment are used interchangeably. When should employee leasing be used? Large and small companies can rely on leased employees when they need to hire seasonally, handle specific projects, or lack the resources for proper recruitment and admin work. Why should HR leaders care about leased employees? Employee leasing enables companies to recruit and hire faster for increased productivity and efficiency. With access to many qualified people and expertise in placing them, staffing agencies can match skilled individuals with vacant positions while shouldering the HR admin burden. Benefits of leased employees Using a quality leasing company can: Improve time to fill Streamline and improve recruitment and hiring Offer high-performance work for a temporary period What can HR leaders do to incorporate leased employees into their teams successfully? To facilitate a smooth employee leasing experience for you and your people: Evaluate company needs. Conduct a needs assessment to determine the duties and positions you want the leased employees to fulfill and the admin work you need the agency to take care of. Comply with the laws. Employee leasing laws are complex. Hiring an employment lawyer can help guarantee compliance with state and federal laws. Do your research. To ensure you collaborate with a top-of-the-line leasing firm, make sure it’s reputable and licensed. Ensure employees know the policies. In addition to running an effective onboarding process, include a section in the employee handbook for leased employees that explains their and your obligations regarding benefits, payroll, retirement, company culture, and proper workplace conduct. Treat everyone equally. To help leased employees feel valued and part of the team, treat them the same as everyone else by building a relationship with them, addressing their needs, and providing them with fair work conditions. Why should leased employees be part of the modern HR strategy? Including leased employees in the HR strategy contributes to agility–a must in today’s dynamic world of work. The ability to seamlessly include leased employees in teams throughout the organization enables HR and the company to maintain productivity, even amidst fluctuating workplace trends and business needs.
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    【HR术语】什么是核心人力资源?(What is core HR?) 什么是核心人力资源? 核心人力资源是一个总括术语,用来指三个不同的方面: 人力资源部门的主要职能 员工的基本数据 用于实现上述两项功能的软件 核心人力资源有哪些优势? 核心人力资源软件可为企业带来许多好处,包括 作为存储和查看与人员、薪资、注册、合规性等相关的重要数据的集中位置 简化核心人力资源流程并使之自动化 通过数字化文书工作节省时间 改善内部沟通 通过员工自助服务提高生产力 保持重要文件和信息的组织性 提供隐私和安全 通过数据分析收集有价值的见解 核心人力资源包括哪些功能? 虽然每款核心人力资源软件都不尽相同,但软件通常包括以下一些功能: 存储人员数据 员工名录和组织结构图 员工自助服务,用于更新详细信息、申请休假、登记福利等 文件发送和签署 存储合同、手册和政策等人力资源文件 数据可视化仪表盘 核心人力资源通常包括哪些信息? 核心人力资源平台最关键的功能之一是存储重要信息,供人力资源专业人员用来完成各种任务,包括人才管理、劳动力规划、学习管理等。 核心人力资源软件通常存储的信息包括 员工个人信息,如职位名称、工作描述、出生日期、社会保险号等 预扣税款和工资等工资信息 福利注册数据 培训文件 病假和休假日 员工人口统计数据 合规信息 工时和缺勤 核心人力资源软件应包括哪些内容? 如果您想投资核心人力资源软件,我们建议您寻找以下要素: 易于使用、界面友好 实施支持 有用、可用的客户服务 高安全标准 随着公司发展而扩展的能力 可满足您最需要的所有核心人力资源功能,如员工信息、薪资数据、合规性和分析等功能 为什么要将核心人力资源纳入现代人力资源战略? 随着人力资源部门不断发展,并在现代企业中扮演着更具战略性的角色,简化更基本、重复性的人力资源任务和流程并使之自动化,从而释放人力资源专业人员的时间和带宽,变得越来越重要。核心人力资源软件对于尽可能高效、有效地完成薪资和合规性等核心人力资源任务至关重要。 以下为文章原文: What is core HR? Core HR is an umbrella term used to refer to three distinct things: The primary functions of a human resources department Basic data captured about employees The software used to enable the above two What are the advantages of core HR? Core HR software offers organizations many benefits, including: Serving as a centralized location for storing and viewing essential data related to people, payroll, enrollment, compliance, and more Streamlining and automating core HR processes Saving time by digitizing paperwork Improving internal communication Increasing productivity by enabling employee self-service Maintaining the organization of important documents and information Offering privacy and security Gathering valuable insights through data analytics What functions does core HR include? Although every core HR software is different, some functions the software typically includes are: Storage of people data Employee directory and organization chart Employee self-service for updating details, requesting time off, enrolling in benefits, etc. Document sending and signing Storage of HR documents such as contracts, handbooks, and policies Dashboards for visualizing data What information does core HR typically include? One of the most critical functions of a core HR platform is to store important information HR professionals can use to complete various tasks, including talent management, workforce planning, learning management, and more. Some of the information core HR software usually stores includes: Individual employee information such as job title, job description, birth date, social security number, and more Payroll information such as tax withholding and salary Enrollment data for benefits Documentation for training Sick days and vacation days Employee demographics Compliance information Work hours and absences What should core HR software included? If you’re looking to invest in core HR software, we recommend looking for the following elements: Easy-to-use, user-friendly interface Implementation support Helpful, available customer service High security standards The ability to scale as your company grows Features addressing all of the core HR functions you need most such as employee information, payroll data, compliance, and analytics Why should core HR be incorporated into modern HR strategy? As HR departments evolve and take on a more strategic role in the modern organization, it becomes increasingly important to streamline and automate the more basic, repetitive HR tasks and processes to free up HR professionals’ time and bandwidth. Core HR software is essential for keeping up with core HR tasks such as payroll and compliance as efficiently and effectively as possible.
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    Phenom收购人力资源技术公司Tydy,以推进卓越的入职和人才体验 Phenom宣布收购人力资源技术公司Tydy,Tydy致力于为员工提供从聘用到退休的入职前和入职体验。这是对智能人才体验平台组合的第五次收购和补充,加强了Phenom的愿景,即缩短员工提高生产力的时间,同时为人力资源从业者创造高效的体验,所有这一切都通过一个平台实现。 现在,Phenom 平台在入职方面进一步加强了候选人与员工体验解决方案之间的联系,以创造从发现工作到员工离职的端到端人才体验。这种简化的体验解决了人才招聘和人才管理团队的一个关键需求,即在员工入职前完成必要的操作步骤、验证和文档记录--传统上这些都是在不同的系统中进行的。这不仅缩短了提高工作效率的时间,还为新员工创造了快速、透明和简便的体验,产生了持久的积极影响。 Tydy 成立于 2019 年,已被 30 多个国家的公司采用,它将工具、流程和人员连接起来,为每个用户生成无缝、高效和个性化的工作流程。一些全球最大的品牌使用 Tydy 的员工数据平台(EDP)来减少人力资源、IT 和运营团队的人工工作量,通过自动化轻松实现合规性,并减少员工入职所需的时间。 Tydy EDP 的全部功能将直接通过 Phenom 的平台提供,为人力资源从业人员提供一个通用的用户界面,满足他们在人才招聘、入职和人才管理方面的需求。Phenom 平台引入的新功能和增强功能将支持关键用例,包括: 新员工入职前培训和入职培训 合规检查和审批协调 背景调查集成 文档收集、验证和提交 配置和 IT 资产收集触发器 启动薪资 离职 "Fosway集团首席执行官David Wilson说:"收购Tydy并将入职前培训和入职培训纳入其智能人才体验平台,是Phenom的一个自然进步,它将人才招聘成长和发展过程中的一个关键部分整合到了一个全面的解决方案中。"人力资源技术行业的整合正在继续加速,此次收购证明了Phenom的持续成功和增长,以及其专注于为客户提供无缝端到端体验的理念。" "Phenom 公司首席执行官兼联合创始人 Mahe Bayireddi 说:"入职培训是人才历程中的关键时刻,应聘者在这里成为员工,而人才领导者也可以在这里帮助他们取得成功。Phenom 首席执行官兼联合创始人 Mahe Bayireddi 说:"在这里,人们会留下第一印象,每次互动都有可能产生持久的影响。有了 Tydy 的加入,我们将为这一美好体验做好准备,让企业从一开始就能确保员工的工作效率。 Tydy的团队将过渡到Phenom,其中包括联合创始人Kiran Menon、Nikhil Gurjer和Gaurabh Mathure--他们创办Tydy的初衷是彻底重新定义人力资源的工作流程。 "Tydy 的首席执行官兼联合创始人 Menon 说:"自 Tydy 成立以来,我们一直希望每个人的工作都能顺畅地进行。"我们意识到,通过将基于角色的细分、集成、自动化和智能化整合到一个解决方案中,有机会彻底改变入职体验和复杂的人力资源运作。我们相信,Tydy 的技术和工作流程将成为 Phenom 提供业内最佳招聘、增长和保留结果的整体方法的关键部分。 在 Phenom 收购 Tydy 之前,Phenom 在 4 月份的 IAMPHENOM 2024 大会上宣布了一大波人力资源技术创新。在年会上,公司发布了人才体验引擎、X+ Agents、针对人才领导者和人才营销者的独特平台体验,以及针对人才招聘和人才管理团队的多项创新。 有了 Phenom,求职者能更快地找到并选择合适的工作,员工能发展自己的技能并不断进步,招聘人员能提高工作效率,人才营销人员能以极高的效率开展工作,人才领导者能优化招聘流程,管理者能建立表现更出色的团队,人力资源部门能使员工的发展与公司目标保持一致,HRIT 能轻松整合现有的人力资源技术,创建一个整体的基础设施。 关于Phenom Phenom 是一家以目标为导向的公司,为全球企业提供人工智能驱动的人才体验。雇主们正在利用 Phenom 更快地招聘员工,充分发挥他们的潜能,并更长久地留住他们。 Phenom 智能人才体验平台将求职者、员工、招聘人员、招聘经理、人力资源部门和人力资源信息系统无缝连接在一起,通过 Phenom Career Site、Chatbot、CMS、CRM、AI Scheduling、One-Way Interviews、Campaigns、University Recruiting、Talent Marketplace、Career Pathing、Gigs、Mentoring 和 Referrals 等创新产品,为 500 多家不同的全球性企业提供服务。
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    【美国】制造业劳动力工具Wilya获得400万美元种子轮融资,为制造业和供应链劳动力带来灵活性 Wilya,前身为 Gig and Take,是一家创新型 B2B SaaS 公司,致力于改变制造业和供应链领域的传统人力资源实践,公司宣布成功完成 400 万美元的种子轮融资。本轮融资由 Ironspring Ventures 领投,Schematic Ventures、Plug & Play Ventures、Iron Prairie Ventures、Motivate Ventures 和 25Madison 参投。这一融资里程碑凸显了人们对 Wilya 在灵活工作和技能数字化方面的前沿方法的日益认可,以及公司快速的商业增长。 除融资消息外,Wilya 还兴奋地宣布了公司的品牌重塑。"Wilya 创始人兼首席执行官Rahil Siddiqui表示:"我们正在通过一种新颖的技术解决方案解决制造商面临的首要问题。"Wilya 提供独特的综合工具组合,用于引进和管理封闭的一线熟练产业工人人才库。我们的新名称也更好地反映了 SaaS 平台不断增强的功能,因为我们帮助客户在动荡的经济环境中更具战略性地扩大和缩小技术工人的规模。 有了新注入的资金,Wilya 将加快软件解决方案的开发和部署,进一步扩大市场覆盖范围,并增加产品功能,以应对供应链中独特的人力资本挑战。 "劳动力短缺仍然是美国制造业面临的一个关键问题,而 Wilya 的平台正在帮助全美制造商通过现代化工厂识别技能组合和部署现有劳动力的方式,大幅提高生产力和效率,"将加入 Wilya 董事会的 Ironspring Ventures 联合创始人兼普通合伙人 Ty Findley 说。他将加入 Wilya 董事会。"凭借在人力资源和制造业的深厚造诣,这是一支了解这些挑战的最强大的团队。在过去的一年里,Wilya的商业增长率达到了令人印象深刻的400%,我们非常高兴能与Rahil和团队合作。 Wilya 的直观 SaaS 平台专为满足制造、仓储和配送行业一线主管的需求而量身定制。该软件提供了一个'技能操作系统',可通过操作促进技能和资源的有效分配,同时促进更灵活的工作方法。有了 Wilya,企业可以更好地管理和提高现有全职劳动力的生产率,并引入灵活员工池,从而降低昂贵的合同工和强制加班的成本和复杂性。 近 50% 的制造商表示,他们曾因缺乏劳动力而拒绝接受工作,专家预测,到 2030 年,工厂将缺少 200 多万名工人,生产力成本将达到 1 万亿美元。随着最近美国立法(包括《CHIPS 法案》、《IIJA 法案》和《IRA 法案》)刺激了全国各地的制造业活动,显然需要新的解决方案来应对该行业的劳动力挑战。 "人力资源管理协会(SHRM)首席转型官Andy Biladeau说:"随着众多高技能工人退休,年轻员工追求能灵活掌握工作时间、工作量和工作内容的职位,像素化劳动力已正式进入供应链职能部门。"幸运的是,Wilya 开发出了一种优雅的解决方案,可以帮助制造商和分销商在这种动态、不断变化的劳动力环境中轻松跟踪和实时部署他们的交叉技能工人。SHRM Labs 是 Wilya 的投资者。 关于 Wilya Wilya 的前身是 Gig and Take,公司成立的使命是通过提供灵活的劳动力解决方案彻底改变制造业。公司的诞生源于对该行业普遍存在的僵化且往往效率低下的劳动力结构的亲身体验。创始团队利用他们在制造业和人力资源领域的广泛背景,确定了对能够帮助工厂高效管理灵活劳动力的技术的需求。Wilya 的创新 SaaS 软件平台旨在通过促进更具活力和参与性的劳动力,为工厂和工人创造双赢局面。该公司致力于改变传统的人力资源实践,获得了包括著名的 MHI 创新奖在内的多项荣誉。
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    【HR术语】什么是员工健康(What is employee wellbeing?) 什么是员工健康? 员工幸福感是指专业人员在心理、情感和身体健康方面的综合状态。根据盖洛普研究人员的研究,员工幸福感包括五个核心组成部分: 职业幸福感。人们对工作职责的满意度,以及他们每天在工作中花费时间的方式。 社会福祉。与朋友和家人建立健康、有意义的关系。 财务健康。能够成功管理个人财务。 身体健康。有健康的体魄和充沛的精力来维持基本功能和完成任务。 社区幸福。与他人建立联系,对所居住的地方有归属感。 人力资源领导为什么要关注员工福利? 作为公司最宝贵的资产--员工的监护人,人力资源部门应优先考虑员工的福祉。 幸福超越了健康。它表明员工在个人生活和工作中全面发展、发挥最佳功能并实现自身潜能。 员工健康和幸福有哪些优势? 身心健康可以增强心理耐力、情商和应变能力--这是提高生产力、创造力和效率所必需的三项软技能。 因此,员工身心健康是高绩效工作、蓬勃发展的员工队伍和成功企业的基石。 员工身心健康在很大程度上有助于: 实现目标 承担风险 为出现的挑战找到实用、明智的解决方案 减少缺勤 提高员工留任率和参与度 减少医疗开支 蓬勃发展的企业文化 人力资源领导者如何促进员工福利? 如果您想把员工的健康放在首位,就应将其作为公司文化的一部分。虽然每个人都必须关注自己的健康,但人力资源部门可以通过强调健康是一种工作价值来鼓励员工的健康。以下是将健康融入公司工作方式的三种方法: 平衡工作与娱乐。虽然保持工作流程是提高生产力的必要条件,但人不是机器人。要有精力工作,就必须有时间娱乐。组织员工徒步旅行或公园野餐等促进情绪、社区建设和社交聚会,让员工有机会充电和重新建立联系。 培养感恩之心。人力资源领导者可以通过表彰和感谢员工的辛勤工作和取得的成就来鼓励员工之间的友情和有意义的工作经历。表达谢意可为工作社区注入良好的氛围和意义。 鼓励正念。正念为明智的决策、高质量的工作、更好的沟通和发散思维奠定了基础。养成正念的习惯有助于人们调节情绪和思想。团队可以在开会前通过集体呼吸练习或冥想来练习正念。为了在个人层面上支持正念,公司可以指定一个房间或花园作为无技术区,让人们有安静、不受干扰的独处时间。 制定有效的员工福利计划和措施有哪些技巧? 虽然整合一个通用的健康计划可能很诱人,但还是要尽量考虑贵公司的具体需求。您可以通过以下方式做到这一点: 确定问题所在。这些问题可能包括职业倦怠、缺乏目标和动力以及工作与生活失衡。 评估影响福利的主要障碍。也许是管理不善、工作量过重,或者是工作场所的价值观不一致,阻碍了员工实现身心健康。 评估员工幸福感低的代价。缺乏幸福感会如何影响生产力和底线? 规划福利计划。贵公司目前正在采取哪些行动来促进员工身心健康,这些措施与内部和外部基准相比有何不同? 实施量身定制的健康计划。健康计划应为员工提供切实可行、量身定制的解决方案,应对他们面临的挑战和不同的人生阶段。例如,该计划可包括员工援助计划(EAP)、辅导和导师机会或个人财务咨询机会。 如何有效衡量员工福利? 幸福是综合的,因此您需要收集幸福拼图的所有部分,才能看到完整的画面。让我们来看看一些评估和衡量幸福感的方法: 通过脉搏调查收集反馈。通过提出正确的问题,人力资源部门可以了解团队成员的健康状况。与某一具体问题相关的问题,如果能让员工对自己的感受进行评分,就能提供有用的答案。开放式问题也能提供见解,但要确保有时间和资源来阅读和处理每个答案。调查可以包括涉及薪酬、参与度、归属感、工作量和职业目标等主题的问题。 跟踪员工数据。虽然数据不能反映一个人的内心挣扎,但它可以说明面临的挑战,如高缺勤率或低生产率--潜在潜在问题的迹象。 简短的检查。人力资源部门或经理可以定期与专业人士会面。无论是当面交谈还是通过视频聊天,都能提供调查和数据无法显示的反馈信息。 员工福利如何改善公司文化? 欣欣向荣的员工构成了欣欣向荣的企业文化。当整体的每个部分--每个人--都处于健康状态时,他们就能高效地工作,与团队成员有效合作,并为积极而充满活力的企业文化做出贡献。 以下为文章原文: What is employee wellbeing? Employee wellbeing refers to a professional’s holistic state of mental, emotional, and physical health. According to Gallup researchers, employee wellbeing includes five core components: Career wellbeing. The satisfaction people feel with work responsibilities and how they spend their time at work every day. Social wellbeing. Engaging in healthy, meaningful relationships with friends and family. Financial wellbeing. Being able to manage personal finances successfully. Physical wellbeing. Having health and energy for basic functioning and accomplishing tasks. Community wellbeing. Having a connection with others and feeling a sense of belonging in the place you live. Why should HR leaders care about employee wellbeing? As guardians of a company’s most valuable asset—its people—employee wellbeing should be a priority for HR. Wellbeing goes beyond health. It indicates that people are thriving holistically, functioning optimally, and actualizing their potential in their personal lives and at work. What are the advantages of employee health and wellbeing? Wellbeing can support mental stamina, emotional intelligence, and resilience—three soft skills necessary for productivity, creativity, and efficiency. Thus, employee wellbeing is the bedrock of high-performance work, a thriving workforce, and a successful business. Employee wellbeing largely contributes to: Goal achievement Risk taking Finding practical, intelligent solutions to challenges that arise Decreased absenteeism Increased retention and engagement Reduced healthcare expenses A thriving company culture What can HR leaders do to promote employee wellbeing? If you want to make your people’s wellbeing a priority, make it part of your company culture. While everyone must take care of their health, HR can encourage wellbeing by emphasizing it as a work value. Here are three ways to infuse wellbeing into your company’s approach to work: Balance work with play. While maintaining workflow is necessary for productivity, people aren’t robots. To have energy for work, there must be time for play. Organizing mood-boosting, community-building, and social gatherings, such as staff hikes or park picnics, gives people a chance to recharge and reconnect. Cultivate gratitude. HR leaders can encourage camaraderie and meaningful work experiences by recognizing and thanking people for their hard work and accomplishments. Communicating appreciation infuses good vibes and meaning into the work community. Encourage mindfulness. Mindfulness sets the foundation for smart decision-making, high-quality work, better communication, and thinking outside the box. Making mindfulness a habit helps people regulate their emotions and thoughts. Teams can practice mindfulness through group breathing exercises or meditations before conducting a meeting. To support mindfulness on an individual level, companies can designate a room or garden as a tech-free zone for people to have quiet, uninterrupted alone time. What are some tips for building effective employee wellbeing programs and initiatives? While it may be tempting to integrate a generic wellness program, try to consider your company’s specific needs. You can do so by: Identifying the problem areas. These may include burnout, lack of purpose and drive, and work-life imbalance. Evaluating the major barriers to wellbeing. Perhaps there is poor management, too heavy a workload, or a misalignment of workplace values preventing people from achieving a state of wellbeing. Assessing the cost of low employee wellbeing. How does a lack of wellbeing affect productivity and the bottom line? Planning a wellbeing program. What actions is your company currently taking to promote wellbeing, and how do these initiatives compare with internal and external benchmarks? Implementing a customized wellness program. The wellness program should provide practical, tailored solutions for staff, addressing their challenges and different life stages. The program could include, for example, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), coaching and mentorship opportunities, or personal financial advising opportunities. How can you effectively measure employee wellbeing? Wellbeing is integrative, so you’ll need to gather all pieces of the wellbeing puzzle to see the complete picture. Let’s look at some ways to assess and measure wellbeing: Gather feedback through pulse surveys. By asking the right questions, HR can narrow in on team members’ state of wellbeing. Questions that relate to one specific issue and give people the option to rate how they’re feeling on a scale can provide helpful answers. Open-ended questions can also offer insightl, but make sure you have the time and resources to read and address each answer. Surveys can include questions that touch on topics such as compensation, engagement, belonging, workload, and career goals. Keep track of workforce data. While data doesn’t reflect a person’s internal struggles, it can illustrate challenges such as a high rate of absenteeism or low productivity— signs of a potential underlying issue. Brief check-ins. HR or managers can routinely meet with professionals. Getting together to talk, whether in person or through video chats, can provide feedback that may not have been apparent through surveys and data. How can employee wellbeing improve company culture? Thriving people make up a thriving company culture. When each part of the whole—each person—is in a state of wellbeing, they can work productively, collaborate effectively with team members, and contribute to a positive and vibrant culture.
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    【HR术语】什么是内部流动?(What is internal mobility?) 什么是内部流动? 内部流动是指员工在公司内部向新角色或职位的流动。这包括晋升(纵向流动)、调动和角色变化(横向流动)。 目前,许多企业都在使用内部流动战略来应对日益增长的人员流动率。良好的内部流动可以培养员工的技能,提高他们的工作满意度,甚至可以为企业节省时间和金钱。 为什么内部流动很重要? 在当前人员流动率居高不下的趋势下,内部流动可以成为提高员工留任率的有力工具。 通过为员工提供获得新经验的成长机会,可以提高整体工作满意度,从而降低员工离职另谋高就的可能性。 除了提高工作满意度,内部流动还能最大限度地发挥员工的才能。让员工体验不同的角色或部门,有助于他们发展新技能,使公司更加自给自足。 通过促进内部流动,你将拥有一支才华横溢、技能高超的团队,可以填补可能出现的大部分技能缺口--这样你就不必经常到公司外部寻找人才,从而节省了时间和金钱。 内部流动的例子 角色到角色的流动--员工在公司内部调动到相同资历的新角色。 调动--员工在不同地点继续担任组织内的相同职务。 晋升--团队成员晋升到公司更高级别的职位。 基于项目的流动--由具有不同专长的员工组成的团队为某一特定项目工作。 岗位轮换--员工在不同岗位或部门之间临时流动,以获得新的经验和学习新的技能。 发展计划--组织提供培训或发展计划,帮助员工掌握新技能,为在公司内担任不同角色做好准备。 内部流动的好处 降低成本--招聘新人的成本可能很高。企业可以通过聘用已经了解企业文化和流程的内部候选人来填补空缺职位,从而降低成本。 提高员工留任率--当员工感到自己有机会成长和晋升时,他们就更有可能长期留在公司。 提高参与度--有了在公司内学习、成长和接受新挑战的机会,员工会感到更有参与感和动力。 提高生产力--内部流动让员工接触到新的人员、流程和思维方式。这为团队成员提供了宝贵的知识,他们可以将这些知识运用到工作中。 如何促进内部流动? 您可以从建立内部流动计划开始。与每个部门的员工分享新的晋升或岗位轮换机会,明确表示欢迎每个人申请。 您还可以提供培训、在线课程和会议,帮助员工获得新技能和新知识。 通过招聘启事、内部通讯和定期的一对一交流,确保所有团队都了解这些机会,并激励员工去争取。给予他们追求发展目标所需的时间和支持。 另一种促进内部流动的方法是鼓励不同部门和团队之间的合作。这可以让员工接触到他们可能不熟悉的公司领域,并帮助他们与那些能为他们提供职业发展指导的人建立关系。 员工希望学习和成长。如果公司支持员工的发展和学习机会,那么最终也会帮助内部流动成为公司文化的一部分。 内部流动最佳实践 对于内部流动而言,重要的是为公司的每个职位制定清晰的职业发展路径。同时,要向所有员工开放机会,让他们可以尝试转换角色和传授技能。 说到这些机会,可以尝试组建一个招聘团队,寻找内部人才并从内部提拔。 为使这一做法行之有效,应在组织内部开展定期岗位轮换,以便对员工进行交叉培训,让他们在不同的岗位上积累经验,从而使他们具备所需的可转换技能,以便在他们愿意的情况下抓住这些机会。 内部流动是一项长期投资。但从长远来看,促进内部流动的企业会从中获益,创造一个高效的工作场所,让员工更加快乐。 以下为文章原文: What is internal mobility? Internal mobility is the movement of employees within a company to new roles or positions. This can include promotions (vertical mobility), as well as transfers and role changes (lateral mobility). Many businesses are now using an internal mobility strategy to address the increasing rates of turnover. Good internal mobility develops employees’ skills, increases their job satisfaction, and can even save an organization time and money. Why is internal mobility important? With the current trend of high turnover, internal mobility can be a powerful tool for boosting the retention rate for employees. By giving employees opportunities to grow with new experiences, it can increase overall job satisfaction—reducing the likelihood of them leaving for a new job elsewhere. Besides increasing job satisfaction, internal mobility makes the most of what employees have to offer. Giving employees experience in different roles or departments helps them develop new skills that can make your company more self-sufficient. By promoting internal mobility, you’ll have a talented, highly skilled team that can fill in most of the skills gaps that may appear—so you won’t have to regularly look outside the company for talent acquisition, saving you time and money. Examples of internal mobility Role-to-role mobility – When an employee moves to a new role at the same level of seniority within the company. Transfer – When an employee continues their same role for the organization, but at a different location. Promotion – When a team member is promoted to a higher-level position in the company. Project-based mobility – When a team of employees, with different kinds of expertise, is put together for a specific project. Job rotations – When an employee moves temporarily between different roles or departments to gain new experiences and learn new skills. Development programs – When an organization provides training or development programs to help employees acquire new skills and prepare them for different roles within the company. Benefits of internal mobility Reduced costs – Hiring new people can be expensive. Businesses can reduce costs by filling open positions with internal candidates who already understand the organization’s culture and processes. Improved employee retention rates – When employees feel that they have opportunities to grow and advance, they’re more likely to stay with the company long-term. Increased engagement – With opportunities to learn, grow and take on new challenges within a company, employees feel more engaged and motivated. Improved productivity – Internal mobility exposes employees to new people, processes, and ways of thinking.This gives team members valuable knowledge that they can apply to their work. How do you promote internal mobility? You can start by establishing an internal mobility program. Share new opportunities for promotions or job rotations with employees from every department, making it clear that everyone is welcome to apply. You can also offer training, online courses, and conferences to help employees gain new skills and knowledge. Make sure that all teams are aware of these opportunities through job postings, internal newsletters, and regular one-on-one check-ins—and inspire your people to go for them. Give them the time and support they need to pursue their development goals. Another way of promoting internal mobility is by encouraging collaboration between different departments and teams. This exposes employees to areas of the company they may be unfamiliar with, and helps them build relationships with people who can give them guidance on advancing their careers. Employees want to learn and grow. If a company supports employee development and learning opportunities, then it will also end up helping internal mobility to become an established part of company culture. Internal mobility best practices For internal mobility, it’s important to develop a clear career path for each role in your company. At the same time, keep opportunities open to all employees, so that they can try switching roles and transfer their skills. When it comes to these opportunities, try putting together a recruitment team to find internal talent and promote from within. For that to be effective, start regular job rotations within the organization so that you cross-train employees—giving them experience in different roles so that they have the transferable skills needed to take those opportunities, should they wish to. Internal mobility is a long-term investment. But the businesses that promote it in the long-run reap the benefits, creating a productive workplace with happier employees.
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    【西班牙】人力资源管理初创公司Sesame获得2300万欧元融资,加速国际扩张和人才招聘 总部位于瓦伦西亚的人力资源管理初创公司Sesame筹集了 2,300 万欧元的新一轮资金,此次融资将使公司能够继续投资于产品开发,推出新的垂直产品,并加速国际扩张。 有了 PSG 和 GP Bullhound 的资金投入,公司将继续投资开发新的软件功能,巩固我们作为该领域价值最高的平台之一的地位。 公司计划推出新的财务相关功能,如费用控制、预支工资和灵活薪酬,将Sesame定位为最全面的人力资源管理解决方案之一。 "在西班牙,大多数公司都依赖多种解决方案来处理人力资源和财务工作。Sesame公司首席执行官Albert Soriano说:"人们越来越需要一种一体化的解决方案,它可以简化访问流程,并将所有不同的工具统一到一个平台上。 "我们已经推出了多项人工智能功能,使我们能够进一步改进现有工具,如人员分析、评估、招聘或内部沟通。除了改进产品功能,我们还致力于应用人工智能来提高公司的内部生产力和效率",Albert Soriano 解释说。 我们还打算进一步投资于人才。这将使我们能够巩固我们在西班牙的地位,同时加强我们在拉丁美洲的市场,特别是墨西哥,我们从去年开始就在那里开展业务。此外,我们还将探索进入其他欧洲国家的机会。 自推出以来,公司为 8000 多家客户提供服务,平台拥有 30 多万用户。软件帮助企业深入洞察员工需求,打造量身定制的工作体验。 Sesame 的愿景不仅仅是提供一款人力资源管理软件。我们的目标是提供一个综合平台,不仅实现人力资源流程的数字化,而且促进职业发展、团队福利和成功的企业文化。 关于Sesame Sesame HR是一款人力资源软件,可帮助企业以集中、安全的方式实现人力资源流程自动化,利用最新信息做出业务决策,并为员工创造最佳体验。它是一款多设备工具(电脑、平板电脑和手机),可实时同步,让你随时随地获取团队的最新信息,因为这些信息都安全地存储在云端,以防止重要数据丢失。Sesame HR旨在让团队始终保持联系、沟通和信息交流。因此,对于任何变更、请求或事件,Sesame 的通知系统都会向您发送警报,以便您当场解决。你可以定制自动化配置,并选择希望收到的警报:员工不活跃、未打卡、超过工作时数等。
  • 提高生产力
    【美国】劳动力管理平台Legion Technologies获得5000万美元融资,推动劳动力管理领域的持续创新 劳动力管理(WFM)领域的创新者Legion Technologies宣布完成了一轮5000万美元的增长融资,本轮融资由Riverwood Capital领投,Norwest、Stripes、Webb Investment Network和XYZ等现有投资者战略参投。本轮融资使Legion公司的融资总额达到1.45亿美元,将推动其市场推广和研发计划,为不断增长的全球客户群提供更好的劳动力管理体验。 预计到 2031 年,全球劳动力管理市场规模将达到 157 亿美元,这表明劳动力效率和参与度日益受到重视。随着企业致力于简化运营并为小时工创造更好的体验,Legion 不断推动行业现代化,致力于提供智能化、自动化和以员工为中心的产品。因此,它已成为 Rite Aid 和 Alo Yoga 等家喻户晓的品牌以及其他领先品牌和快速增长的连锁店首选的 WFM 平台。 “Legion的创立宗旨是通过同时简化劳动力运营和改善员工体验,将小时工变成好工作。这一新资本不仅加强了我们目标的重要性,而且验证了我们实现这一目标的能力,"Legion 创始人兼首席执行官 Sanish Mondkar 说。“Legion解决方案的智能自动化、以员工为中心的特性将我们推向了行业的前沿,有了这笔资金,我们可以进一步投资,在全球范围内为小时工创造更好的体验。” “Legion现代化、高精度的自动化劳动力管理解决方案使大型企业能够简化核心流程,获得运营优势,同时为一线员工提供卓越的体验,”Riverwood Capital联合创始人兼管理合伙人Francisco Alvarez-Demalde说。“在所有企业都在寻求提高效率并同时改善员工体验的时候,他们以先进的劳动力预测为动力的开创性方法已经起步。我们很高兴能与 Sanish 和卓越的 Legion 团队合作,他们正在推动下一代劳动力管理向前发展。 Legion将利用这笔资金推动劳动力管理领域的持续创新,包括对研发的深入投资和对Legion的InstantPay产品等解决方案的扩展。随着对劳动力管理智能自动化的日益关注,Legion 将通过新功能和更新来增强其行业领先的产品,以优化劳动力运营,生成更准确的人员配置计划,减少管理者在管理上花费的时间,并简化世界各地劳动法的合规性。根据市场趋势和持续反馈,这些努力将确保 WFM 平台极大地促进员工体验,在提高生产力的同时实现更大的灵活性。 这项投资还将使莱吉恩能够为其不断增长的国际客户群提供无缝支持,同时在其已服务的市场中实现更大的扩展。为了加速已经取得的巨大增长,这笔资金将增强 Legion 的市场推广计划,包括启动其欧洲 GTM 团队,并通过深化对制造业和医疗保健等行业的投资来支持其美国业务,以满足对其解决方案不断增长的需求。 此次增资是在 Legion 继续保持年同比大幅增长的同时进行的,并获得了包括奖项和高知名度合作伙伴在内的诸多行业荣誉。Legion 行业领先的 WFM 解决方案最近获得了最具创新性劳动力管理平台全球卓越奖、商业智能集团人工智能卓越奖、多个布兰登霍尔技术奖以及人工智能、元宇宙与虚拟--工作与生产力类别的威比奖提名。去年,公司还宣布与 SAP 建立正式合作伙伴关系,实现了 SAP SuccessFactors 与 Legion 平台的无缝集成,并首次推出了 140 多项新功能,其中最引人注目的是推出了新的生成式人工智能工具 Legion Copilot,该工具旨在提高员工的工作效率和学习能力。 在此次交易中,Piper Sandler 担任 Legion 的财务顾问,Jefferies 担任 Riverwood 的财务顾问。 关于Legion Technologies Legion Technologies 提供业内最具创新性的劳动力管理平台,使企业能够同时最大限度地提高劳动效率和员工参与度。屡获殊荣的原生人工智能乐工劳动力管理平台是智能化、自动化和以员工为中心的。事实证明,通过优化日程安排、减少自然减员、提高生产力和运营效率,该平台可带来 13 倍的投资回报率。Legion 通过易于使用的平台和移动应用程序提供尖端技术,深受员工喜爱。在 Riverwood Capital、Norwest Venture Partners、Stripes、First Round Capital、XYZ Ventures、Webb Investment Network、Workday Ventures 和 NTT DOCOMO Ventures 的支持下,Legion 被 Inc. 5000 和德勤 500 强排名中连续两年被评为美国发展最快的私营企业之一。 关于Riverwood Capital Riverwood Capital 投资于技术和技术驱动行业的高增长公司。Riverwood为投资组合公司提供运营、战略、技术和财务洞察力的独特组合,这些公司通常需要增长资本和专业知识来扩大全球规模。该公司寻求投资于拥有成熟技术和商业模式,并在文化和价值观方面契合的企业。Riverwood 成立于 2008 年,自成立以来已投资和支持了 80 多家公司。公司在加利福尼亚州门洛帕克、佛罗里达州迈阿密、纽约州纽约市和巴西圣保罗设有办事处
  • 提高生产力
    【芬兰】以人为本的IT体验管理公司HappySignals获得1200万欧元融资,利用以人为本的数据和AI改变IT决策 以人为本的 IT 体验管理公司 HappySignals 获得由Mandatum Asset Management领投、现有投资者Nauta和Vendep Capital 参投的 1200 万欧元融资。这笔投资将用于促进销售、营销和产品开发,以便在不断增长的 IT 体验管理 (ITXM) 市场进行全球扩张。 对于全球大型企业来说,了解员工使用 IT 的体验、做出数据驱动的决策以及在正确的领域改进 IT 运营和成果比以往任何时候都更加重要。 HappySignals 正通过利用员工体验数据和人工智能,帮助企业转变其 IT 和服务,使其更加以人为本。这使他们能够做出明智的决策,并专注于真正重要的事情。通过优先考虑员工的幸福感和生产力,企业可以节约成本并提高业务价值。百事可乐、富士通、美卓和利洁时等公司通过专注于提供可提升业务运营和员工体验的服务,将其 IT 转变为价值创造者。 HappySignals 的首席执行官兼联合创始人 Sami Kallio 强调了这项投资的重要意义: "IT 组织的主要职责是通过有效的 IT 支持和工具提高整个组织的效率和满意度。从历史上看,IT 部门一直专注于技术和流程指标,这些指标主要衡量 IT 部门如何运作,而不是其创造或可能创造的价值。" "用 IT 语言来说,我们正在谈论从 SLA(服务水平协议)转向 XLA(体验水平协议)。IT 部门应继续衡量传统指标,但 IT 部门的三大支柱--人员、流程和技术--应始终按此顺序加以考虑。这就是我们帮助 IT 组织收集和分析员工体验数据,从而做出更好决策的地方。 领投方Mandatum资产管理公司的成长型股权投资团队是一家北欧成长型股权投资机构,专注于北欧成长型公司的规模扩张阶段。 "我们很高兴能主导 HappySignals 的本轮融资,这将进一步加快他们的国际化发展进程。我们相信,HappySignals 凭借其以人为本的方法,找到了市场上尚未解决的问题的解决方案。事实上,他们的蓝筹客户就是其方法和解决方案质量的真实写照。对 HappySignals 的投资是对我们第二期成长型股权投资基金的极好补充。Mandatum 资产管理公司投资经理 Rami Salonen 表示:"我们很高兴能与公司创始人、管理层和其他所有者合作,加速公司已经非常重要的国际业务的增长。 HappySignals 由三位芬兰 IT 创新者 Sami Kallio、Pasi Nikkanen 和 Sami Aarnio 于 2014 年创立。他们认为,只有以人为本的方法才能提供真正的最终用户洞察力,以及了解什么是最重要的改进优先级所需的上下文。采取以人为本的 IT 体验方法有助于组织推动更好的决策,因为它能突出对最终用户最重要的改进机会。HappySignals IT 体验管理平台和 ITXM 框架改变了大型企业的 IT 状况,使 IT 团队及其最终用户每天都更快乐。通过优先考虑员工的幸福感和生产力,企业可以节约成本并提高业务价值。
  • 提高生产力
    【HR术语】什么是员工忠诚度?(What is employee loyalty?) 什么是员工忠诚度? 员工忠诚度是指员工选择长期为公司工作,因为他们喜欢这样做。他们对工作环境感到满意,积极进取,为实现公司目标而努力工作,并相信企业的使命。如果忠诚的员工发现了其他地方的机会,他们就不太可能跳槽。 如果能提高员工忠诚度,不仅能提高员工保留率,还能对企业整体产生积极影响。 为什么员工忠诚度对企业很重要? 员工忠诚度对企业非常重要,因为它对有效的人力资本管理以及企业的整体成功有着巨大的影响。它能为企业带来诸多好处,包括: 提高利润 降低员工流失率 提高生产力和员工参与度 对客户产生积极影响 提升品牌形象 健康的企业文化--因为忠诚的团队成员会以积极的态度感染他人 如何衡量员工忠诚度? 衡量员工忠诚度的方法有: 开展调查。定期开展员工敬业度调查和员工满意度调查,有助于了解员工的工作积极性,以及他们对为公司工作的感受。 计算员工净促进者得分(eNPS)。这是一种评估员工忠诚度的方法,也是一种确定改进方法的方法。 召开一对一会议。鼓励营造一种坦诚的工作环境,让员工能够自如地与经理或其他相关人员进行一对一谈话。这种形式可以是定期、有计划的会议,也可以是非正式的聊天。这是与专业人士沟通,了解他们感受的好方法。 是什么保持了员工的忠诚度? 员工满意度与忠诚度息息相关。人们会对关心他们并拥有积极工作文化的公司感到忠诚。 但究竟是什么让员工保持忠诚呢?有几个共同的特点: 有竞争力的薪酬 专业成长、学习和职业发展的机会 雇主认可员工的成就,并对他们的辛勤工作表示赞赏 积极、友好、没有欺凌的社交办公环境 专业人员可以灵活安排上班时间,也可以自由选择混合工作或远程工作 雇主信任员工的专业知识,让他们有责任做出与工作相关的决定 雇主尊重专业人员,关心他们的个人和职业发展 良好的工作与生活平衡 专业人员拥有有效开展工作所需的一切工具的环境 鼓励员工诚实反馈和开诚布公的雇主 管理团队在日常工作繁忙时提供帮助,让每个人都能感受到支持和站在同一条战线上 忠诚员工如何表现? 忠诚的员工真正关心他们为之工作的公司,因此他们会确保向你提供诚实的建议和反馈,以帮助你改进工作。 他们会充满好奇心,寻找创新和帮助公司发展的方法,同时也愿意倾听和学习。 忠诚的员工对工作充满热情,因此他们的工作效率会更高。他们以出色完成工作为荣,兢兢业业,并愿意在需要时努力工作--他们会付出额外的努力。忠诚的员工是快乐的,他们会对同事和公司文化产生积极影响,鼓励团队精神。事实上,他们的热情会激励团队的其他成员,帮助企业大步向前。 拥有如此强大的影响力,忠诚的员工对企业的成功至关重要。 如何提高公司员工的忠诚度? 一旦您衡量了公司的忠诚度,请确定您可以在哪些方面加以改进。 在员工满意度调查中,工作与生活的平衡是否多次作为建议出现?还是更具竞争力的薪酬?一旦您意识到可以通过哪些方式更好地支持员工,您就可以制定长期战略。想方设法开始实施保持员工忠诚度的共同特征。 请记住,忠诚的基础是你与团队之间牢固、长期的信任关系。这种关系的建立需要时间,因此可能需要一段时间才能看到员工忠诚度的提高。 毕竟,你要改变的是企业文化,这不可能一蹴而就。 您制定的任何战略都可以包括每周为改善企业文化而采取的行动。一个很好的开始就是定期表彰员工,通过每周的奖品--甚至只是一次谈话--来表达你对员工辛勤工作的感激之情。 通过每周的定期行动,你可以向员工表明,你在倾听他们的心声,你关心他们。因为,归根结底,真正重要的是,你和你的管理者要表现出对公司每个人的关心。这样才能培养长期的关系,让员工也关心你,这样才能建立员工的忠诚度。 以下为文章原文: What is employee loyalty? Employee loyalty is when your people choose to continue working with you for a long time because they love doing so. They’re happy with the working environment, are motivated, work hard to achieve company goals, and believe in the business’s mission. Loyal employees are less likely to jump ship if they spot opportunities elsewhere. If you improve employee loyalty, you won’t just boost your employee retention rates—you’ll notice a positive effect on your business as a whole. Why is employee loyalty important to companies? Employee loyalty is very important to companies because it has a huge bearing on effective human capital management, as well as on their overall success. It can provide a number of benefits, including: Boosted profits Reduced employee turnover Increased productivity and employee engagement A positive impact on customers Improved brand image A healthy company culture—because loyal team members have a positive attitude that’s infectious go to promotion How do you measure employee loyalty? You can measure employee loyalty by: Running surveys. Regularly running employee engagement surveys and employee satisfaction surveys helps you understand how motivated your people are to do their work, and how they feel about working for you. Calculating your employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). This is a way of assessing employee loyalty and identifying ways in which you can improve it. Having one-on-one meetings. Encourage an honest working environment where people feel comfortable having one-on-one conversations with their managers, or with other relevant people. This can be in the form of a regular, scheduled meeting or an informal chat. It’s a good way to connect with professionals to gauge how they feel. What keeps an employee loyal? Employee satisfaction is linked to loyalty. People feel loyal to companies that look after them and that have a positive work culture. But what exactly keeps an employee loyal? There are several common features: Competitive pay Opportunities for professional growth, learning, and career advancement An employer that recognizes people’s achievements, and shows appreciation for their hard work A positive, friendly, and social office environment that’s free from bullying The possibility for professionals to have flexible start times, as well as the freedom to choose between hybrid or remote work An employer that trusts their people’s expertise, giving them the responsibility to make decisions associated with their work An employer that treats professionals with respect, caring about them both personally and professionally A good work-life balance An environment where professionals have all the tools they need to carry out their work effectively An employer that encourages honest employee feedback and openness A management team that helps with the day-to-day tasks when it’s busy, so that everyone feels supported and on the same side How does a loyal employee behave? Loyal employees genuinely care about the company they work for, so they’ll make sure they give you honest advice and feedback to help you improve. They’ll be curious, and look for ways to innovate and help the company grow, but they’re also willing to listen and learn. Loyal employees are passionate about the work they do and will be more productive as a result. They take pride in a job well done, are dedicated, and are willing to work hard when needed—they’ll go the extra mile. A loyal employee is happy and will have a positive influence on their colleagues, and on the company culture, encouraging team spirit. In fact, their enthusiasm will inspire the rest of the team, helping your business to take great strides forward. With such a powerful influence, loyal employees are crucial to your success. How can you improve employee loyalty at your company? Once you’ve measured company loyalty, identify what areas in particular you could improve on. Did work-life balance repeatedly come up as a suggestion in an employee satisfaction survey? Or more competitive salaries? Once you’re aware of the ways in which you can better support your people, you can create a long-term strategy. Find ways to start putting in place the common features that keep people loyal. Remember that the foundation of loyalty is a solid, long-term relationship of trust between you and your team. This kind of relationship can take time to develop, so it may take a while before you see an increase in employee loyalty. After all, you’re changing the culture of the business, which is unlikely to happen overnight. Any strategy you put in place could include actions that you take every week to improve the culture. A great place to start is with regular employee recognition, showing how much you appreciate your people’s hard work through weekly prizes—or even just a conversation. By taking regular action each week, you’ll show your people that you’re listening, and that you care. Because, at the end of the day, what really matters is that you and your managers show that you personally care about each and every person at your company. That’s what nurtures a long-term relationship where your people care about you too, and that’s what will build employee loyalty.
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