• 智能招聘平台
    智能招聘平台Greenhouse 获得5千万美金融资,总融资超过1.1亿美金 来源:techcrunch 对于任何一家公司来说,找到合适的人才都是生死攸关的问题——尤其是规模较小的公司,它们可能没有谷歌等规模较大、系统完备的公司所具备的强大工具(或口袋书)。 智能招聘平台Greenhouse希望让这个过程变得简单一点,并引起了投资者的注意。 该公司表示,已从Riverwood Capital筹集了新一轮5,000万美元融资,使其总融资达到1.1亿美元。Greenhouse公司肯定不是唯一一家最近开始获得大量资金的公司,它试图打开人才获取的过程,使其更受数据驱动。但随着成本和难度的收集大量的数据在不同的人类活动已经出现新的机器学习工具,招聘背后的问题也可能是一个可以得到很多的帮助使用相同的数据科学严谨,一个聪明的谷歌搜索结果。 该公司首席执行官丹尼尔•查特说:“招聘工具和软件都是为上一代求职者设计的,求职者的思维方式可以涵盖在网站上收集简历的基本知识。”“我们发现,在人才市场上取得成功的公司能够吸引到合适的人才,在领英(LinkedIn)的人才库中找到差异制造者,在聘用谁、提供成功经验、利用数据进行优化等方面做出非常明智的决定。”他们需要工具来实现这些目标,而且比招聘软件要广泛得多。 典型的消费者对Greenhouse公司的体验可能是网站上的一些招聘信息,雇员可以在这些网站上提交公司想要的申请或附加信息。在这个框架下,Greenhouse为公司提供了找到适合它们的应用程序的途径——无论是像GlassDoor这样的应用程序,还是在互联网上有更孤立的人才群体的更小的利基市场——并为这些可用的角色找到合适的员工。所有这些行为的数据都被收集起来,这反过来又有助于Greenhouse为企业提供更好的建议,帮助它们找到适合自己需要的潜在雇员。 大家也知道在国内也有一些招聘平台参考学习Greenhouse,加上之前的Hired 获得3000万美金融资计划全球扩张,还有一些招聘类平台获得了融资,所以在招聘领域的机会依旧很大,因为劳动力在减少,尤其美国市场的失业率3.8%导致市场上劳动力根本就是供不应求。 Intelligent recruiting platform Greenhouse picks up another $50M 原文来自:https://techcrunch.com/2018/07/12/intelligent-recruiting-platform-greenhouse-picks-up-another-50m/, Finding the right talent is a make-or-break situation for any company — especially smaller ones, which might not have the robust tools (or pocket books) of larger companies like Google that have a complete system in place. Recruiting platform Greenhouse hopes to make that process a little bit easier, and it has caught the attention of investors. The company said it has raised a new $50 million financing round from Riverwood Capital, bringing its total funding to $110 million. Greenhouse definitely isn’t the only company that’s starting to pick up a significant amount of funding recently by trying to crack open the process of talent acquisition and make it a little more data-driven. But as the cost and difficulty of collecting enormous amounts of data on different kinds of human activity has dropped with the emergence of new machine learning tools, the problems behind recruiting may also be one that can get a lot of help from employing the same data science rigor that powers a smart Google search result. “Hiring tools and software in the market had been built for the previous generation, with an applicant tracking mindset to cover the basics of collecting resumes on your website,” Greenhouse CEO Daniel Chait said. “We saw that winning companies in the talent market were ones who were able to attract the right talent, identify difference makers in a sea of LinkedIn profiles, make really smart decisions in who to hire, deliver winning experiences, use data to optimize. They needed tools to accomplish those goals and much broader than the recruiting software.” The typical consumer’s experience with Greenhouse has probably been a bunch of job listings on a website somewhere, where an employee can submit an application or additional information that the company wants. Under the hood, Greenhouse provides companies with ways to find the right funnels for their applications — whether that’s something like GlassDoor or smaller niches on the Internet with more isolated pockets of talent — and discover the right employees for the roles that are available. Data is collected on all this behavior, which in turn helps Greenhouse give better recommendations for companies as to where to find potential recruits that fit their needs. All that has to be packaged together with a generally nice user experience, both for the typical consumer and for the companies. That can boil down to actually understanding the right questions to ask, the right requirements to post in a job listing, and also making sure the process is pretty quick for people that are applying for jobs. Greenhouse implements scorecards to help interviewers — which can turn out to be a big group, depending on the position — determine whether or not candidates are the right person for the job in a more rigorous manner. And Greenhouse also hopes to work with companies with its tools to eliminate bias in the recruiting process to produce a more diverse set of hires. “Companies are continuing to invest in recruiting and talent acquisition software,” Chait said. “As issues of talent and hiring have become more central at the C-suite, companies continue to invest in this area. Companies are starting to see the difference between HR and talent acquisition as its own specialty. If you’re a big company that has an all-in-one HR suite, it’s all well and good to have payroll and benefits in your org chart in one place, but when it comes to hiring, it’s very dynamic.” Greenhouse is still pretty dependent on its partners, but the startup has a wide array of companies that it works with to ensure that all the right tools are available to clients to find the right candidates. If a change is coming on LinkedIn — one of the biggest homes of candidate profiles on the planet — Greenhouse is going to work with the company to ensure that nothing breaks, Chait said. Greenhouse provides an API-driven ecosystem to ensure that its tools reach all the right spots on the Internet to help companies find the best talent. But Greenhouse isn’t the only recruiting-driven company to attract a significant round of funding. It isn’t even the only one to do so in the last month — Hired, another recruiting platform, said it raised $30 million just weeks ago to create a sort of subscription model to help funnel the right candidates to companies. But all this interest, including Greenhouse, is a product of attempts to try to find the right talent in what might be unexpected spots powered by machine learning tools that are now getting to the point where the predictions are actually pretty good.    
  • 智能招聘平台
    曾打破世界纪录,他创办的程序员智能招聘平台获500万Pre-A轮融资 创业邦获悉,智能程序员招聘平台“简寻”获得500万Pre-A轮融资,由上海六禾领投,长安私人资本和知卓资本跟投。 简寻的创始人兼CEO何斌曾获国际大学生超级计算机大赛(德国莱比锡)HPL冠军,并打破该比赛世界纪录。他也是一位连续创业者,曾参与创建极验证负责早期技术建构。 “看过很多简历,依然招不到好的程序员”,这是很多互联网公司的招聘困境。一方面,中高端的程序员相较稀缺,另一方面,企业的需求和人才之间很难精确匹配。 针对这一招聘困境,传统做法是通过猎头获取这类中高端人才,简寻则是用数据驱动+人工服务的模式解决这一问题,可以节省50%的时间,大概需要2-3周时间。 专注垂直中高端IT 工程师招聘 简寻创始人兼CEO何斌告诉创业邦,简寻和拉勾、boss直聘本质的区别在于,拉勾等提供的是平台和工具,而简寻提供的是服务和解决方案,并且垂直于中高端 IT 工程师领域,更加细分和专业。 拉勾网等招聘网站的最大特点是门槛低、流量大、信息便利,但是更适合解决普适性的岗位需求,而对于中高端程序员这一岗位需求,这些优势反倒使得招聘企业和求职者之间寻找、沟通成本大大增加,匹配效率也并没有升高,并且职位和人才的级别越高,这种趋势越明显。 程序员是一个高度专业化的岗位,而简寻 80%的成员为工程师背景,紧跟行业技术发展趋势,比较了解企业技术的通用架构及配备人员能力,且定期对所有业务人员进行技术培训。 从企业提出需求开始,简寻会负责解析职位,做定制化的挖掘方案,从邀约候选人,到面试,到产生offer ,简寻都会持续跟进,提供一整套的中高端程序员解决方案。 对接人才与企业需求 简寻的智能推荐系统主要依赖于两点。第一,发现人才;第二,智能匹配。 针对人才端,简寻通过收集程序员在社交网站和专业网站上的公开痕迹、猎头相关数据库,用机器学习完成对候选人的职位方向、薪资、求职偏好等方面预判,构建了人才信息库; 针对企业端,简寻对企业需求进行结构化,企业职位发布后,简寻快速在大量数据中定位到合适的工程师,为HR 节省了大量到各个渠道翻找简历的时间和精力;同时,也能为HR发现常规渠道无法发现的候选人。 此外,针对特殊需求的岗位,简寻还可以帮助企业进行定制化挖掘,为企业找到简历渠道找不到的人才。目前简寻已经拥有 4500万程序员社交数据,覆盖100万中国工程师。 何斌告诉创业邦,简寻的智能推荐系统、机器学习系统,会根据企业详细的职位背景信息、操作记录,不断为企业推送更合适的候选人,并且使用得越多,推荐得会更准确。 今年11月,简寻还上线了“在线人才池”功能。每月提供 500 位左右常规职位的在求职状态候选人 ,供企业邀约。这一批程序员平均水平处于行业 Top20%,均已经过简寻审核,和人工沟通,保证处于求职状态。一旦找到工作,会从人才池下线。此外还附带简寻的顾问评价,相当于简寻为企业HR 完成了除面试和OFFER环节的其它所有工作。 服务腾讯、阿里等100多家客户 简寻的商业模式主要是向B端招聘企业收取服务费用,何斌告诉创业邦,目前已经达到收支动态平衡的状态。 目前,简寻平台已经积累了1000多家注册用户和80多家付费用户,包括腾讯、阿里、新浪、斗鱼、搜狗、搜狐、滴滴出行等典型客户。 简寻的核心团队均有工程师背景,且均来自华中科技大学。招聘服务VP屈澄曾任科锐福克斯猎头经理、CSDN旗下必得产品负责人、猎必得运营总监等职位,拥有丰富的猎头管理经验;联合创始人张佳乐和赵明灿曾在腾讯、阿里和恒大任职。 2015年5月,简寻获得近200万元人民币天使轮融资。   来源:创业邦 编辑:赵东山